[Partly Solved] where are the Login details for vicibox?

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[Partly Solved] where are the Login details for vicibox?

Postby cj911 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:54 am

Found the Login details elsewhere on the forum Username:6666 Password:1234
Guess I hadn't looked hard enough but not very visable either.
vicibox login vicibox username and password vicibox default login vicibox default username and password. (May help someone else searching).

Hi sorry if this appears completely dumb but I have just installed vicibox for the 1st time (I've suprised myself). I can get myself to the login screen using the internal IP address. However in order to access the system I need to login. The only passwords created upon install were for mysql and root user for the server. Is there a default login for accessing for the 1st time?
Also I don't appear to be able to get anyone to the login screen from the external IP address.
If I have got any of the network settings wrong during the install can these be changed without having to reinstall. I had that many different setting on a document from my ISP that I'm not sure if I have got it right. I phoned my ISP to check these setting as well and used what they gave me however I had a non operational Vicidialnow install on the same server before installing this and the IP address used to access it was different to the one which is now getting me to the login screen. My ISP provides me with a static IP address.
Thanks in advance.
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Postby williamconley » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:51 pm

Code: Select all
ping www.google.com -c 2
At the command line in Ubuntu. If it fails, you have entered something incorrectly. There are few entries to make, so verify your DNS, gateway, subnet mask, network, broadcast and of course IP address with your colo.
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