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Archive Server

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:34 am
by Trying

Could somebody please explain to me exactly how to set up an archive server? If it can be done by using the Vicibox disc it will be a bonus :)

I need to know exactly what software you recommend. I will be using a machine with 6 x 2TB drives on Raid5. It is not a server though. Asus P5Q3 motherboard.

Secondly I also need to know how to send calls to a second archive server for additional redundancy. Even in the event of the 1st server being unavailable I want the calls to automatically go to the second server.

If you will only give me this information if I pay you it is fine, but I need the information as soon as possible please and no later than within a day. :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:55 am
by mflorell
Any machine with an FTP server and a web server will do. You can use ViciBox Redux and just install an FTP server on it through yast and configure it's web server to point to the ftp directory.

To send the recordings to a second archive server you can use the script to send the audio to the second FTP server after attempting to send to the first FTP server from the dialers.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:42 pm
by thirdhatch
We do this currently by connecting to an NFS share on the other server and mapping this to a local set of directories. Then, we have a script that runs every 5 minutes to move the completed recordings. From there you simply need a web server or ftp server that can provide the files behind a level of authentication. A webmin server seems to do the trick for us. Not rocket science but not extremely simple either.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:37 pm
by williamconley
i kinda like to just use ssh (and transfer the files via the scp command instead of the ftp command).

all it requires is setting up a pre-shared key and ssh access to the other box. *poof*