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Phones registration - Vicibox

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:01 pm
by ramirez
Hi. I have freshly installed a vicibox server and cant have my phone register after adding it from vicidial-admin web interface. when checking at asterisk CLi (sip show users) cant see it. how do i solve this problem.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:05 pm
by mflorell
Did you follow the tutorials in the ViciDial Manager Manual?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:42 am
by ramirez
Yes, i did. added the phone but jst cant have it register.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:21 am
by speed
hi ramirez

go into the sip-vicidial.conf an check for


for every telephone user.

if there no entry write it by every user



(after reload not forgott)

greets speed

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:45 pm
by Kumba
nat=yes should be already turned on my default in sip.conf. This is inherited through the other phone entries.

You would most likely want to type 'sip show peers' to see if ViciDial is even loading your phone up right. The second thing to check would be sip-vicidial.conf and see what username and password your phone is configured with. If you still can't connect after all that then it's likely firewall or network related.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:23 am
by ramirez
Hey guys! we've jst said it. vicidial doesnt load my phone right. my sip-vicidial.conf has only the string '[vicidial-auto]' and nothing more under it while i had to see the phones created frm the web interface. do you knw why it's not loading them? how do i fix that?


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:34 pm
by williamconley
if your system is not writing to your sip-vicidial.conf file either it has been told not to (admin->servers->choose your server) or it does not have permission to do so. did you change the ip address of your server?

if you change your ip address, it "loses" permission to do all sorts of stuff. really what happens is that it issues the command to write the file to a server with the old ip address. then (because that is not IT'S ip address) it ignores the request and does not write the file.

if this is the case: /usr/share/astguiclient and run the admin update server ip script.

Code: Select all
cd /usr/share/astguiclient

if, however, it IS writing to the file, you may have NO active sip phones.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:37 pm
by DhwaniTechnologies
I have a server with NAT enabled. My server's local IP is 192.168.x.x and I am using it through a public IP which is natted to the local IP.

When I run the perl script to update the IP address, by default it shows that my current IP is and selects the new IP as 192.168.x.x

I am accessing my server from the Internet using the public IP. What IP should I choose in the Server IP Update script? My public IP, my local IP or the loopback IP?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:12 pm
by williamconley
the server update script takes TWO IP addresses. So when you ask "what should i put for the IP...", we have to answer for each of them.

The IP address you should give for "OLD" is any prior IP address that the system may have had or been told that it had by this script or that any human may have erroneously entered in any of the various ip address locations while unaware of this script's existence (even if it was in error, and the server never actually HAD that IP address, if the value may exist somewhere, run it with that value to get it converted to the new, correct, IP address). This may require running the script multiple times to be sure.

The IP address you should give for "NEW" is the current local IP address held by at least one NIC card. NOT the loopback and NOT an external IP address for a router. It must be the current local IP (generally eth0 or eth1). This may be a "Private" IP (such as or or an Internet IP such as This may be obtained via "ifconfig". Do not use the IP from the "lo" network.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:18 pm
by DhwaniTechnologies
Great, that's what I expected. Thanks!