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ViciBox Redux v.3.0.8 and ViciBox

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:37 am
by gmcust3
I installed and Tried ViciBox around 1 year back and it was very simple to install.

Today I tried ViciBox Redux and It bit of topsy turvy than the Usual installations.

Both are different or same but with Upgraded Version ?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:15 pm
by williamconley
Vicibox (Ubuntu) has been updated to Vicibox Redux. Ubuntu was "not cool enough" and OpenSuSE seems to be superior (opinion of The Vicidial Group, and they kinda "rule").

So Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 was Ubuntu, then Vicibox Redux 2.0.0 through 3.0.8 have all been OpenSuSE. However, they seem to be equally stable and since they are extremely updated by comparison, there is an obvious advantage with going Redux. Learn to use yast and you'll love it. :)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:38 pm
by mflorell
williamconley wrote:Ubuntu was "not cool enough"

Quite the contrary, Ubuntu was too cool. They put so many great new things into their distro that it is difficult to keep a static ISO release maintained using it. Also, there really were no integrated tools to make generating ISOs on Ubuntu easy.

As for OpenSuSE, we have been installing systems with that distro for about 3 years now and found it to be easy to maintain and manage with few surprises upon upgrading. In other words, it is very stable. And the thing that cinched it is when SuSE came out with their online ISO building website, making ISOs 100 times easier to release once you had a general build that works(which is why we are on the 8th release of 3.0 already).

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:40 pm
by williamconley
Has anyone ever accused you of being easy to bait? :)

I was wondering about that :)