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Problems with the installation

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:00 am
by Svenius
Yeeloo =)

Il go straight to the problem. I rebooted the server without the Live CD of Vicibox Redux v.3.1.3 I followed ... nstall.pdf
but I recieved an error message :

Download failed:
Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml.asc from

- [ URI=

Why do this occur ? Please help

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:36 am
by Kumba
Two reasons, listed in chances of occurrence:

1) Your internet connectivity is not good, being firewalled, broken, etc.
2) The repositories were rebuilding themselves (it happens)

I would reboot, make sure you can ping something on the open internet, then repeat phase 1.5 of the install. That should properly update anything it couldn't connect to.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:15 am
by williamconley
if you are impatient (and the problem persists) i have altered the repositories a few times to an alternate mirror site to continue (at 3AM, who wants to wait for the repository to come back online? just switch :))