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[How To] Zypper up behind a proxy server

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:52 pm
by shijujoe
If you are behind a proxy server you can follow the following steps to do a zypper upgrade on your vicibox server.

1.create a .bashrc file under /root and add the following lines in it

cd /root
vim .bashrc
"Type the following lines"

function proxy(){
export http_proxy="http://proxy.username:proxypassword@proxyipaddress:portnumber"
export ftp_proxy="http://proxy.username:proxypassword@proxyipaddress:portnumber"

save file .bashrc

2.Logout from terminal and login again as root (since .bashrc scripts are logon scripts)

3.Type "proxy" at the # prompt and hit enter

4.Test the internet connection by "wget" , if an index.html file is saved you are good to go

5.Now you can zypper up

This worked for me , thought it may help who may be in similar network scenario

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:58 pm
by williamconley
excellent contribution :)