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Some general questions

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:00 pm
by jamessmith
I got some general questions regarding vicibox.

1. How often does vicidial loads asterisk configurations from database?
2. Is there a way to make vicidial/asterisk reload the details manually by issuing some command?
3. How can I change the frequency / time delay of loading the configuration?
4. If I know that I am not going to update any configuration should I set it to reload the the details only when the system boots up?
5. Can I manually update the following details using a custom script to alter mysql data directly,
- User Pass
- Phone Pass
- User Status
- Campaign Status
6. Right now I have a standalone system with active campaign and users, and we want to move to a cluster, so is it possible that I just first create a DB server and move the current database from the standalone system to this DB server? Also where should I update the DB details in the standalone system.
7. Can I use a minimal nix system with mysql for the DB server? or I must have to use the vicidial installer to setup the DB server? If I can use any system for DB server, what else do I need on the server and are there any needed configurations/settings/modules etc?
8. What is the recommend approach for db-clustering? DRBD? Master-Slave? Master-Master? Linux HA Heartbeat? Some other sort of Replication?

ASTERISK: 1.4.44-vici
VERSION: 2.6-375a
BUILD: 120831-1523
CPU: i7-3770
Hosted Server with core i7-3770 & 32GB RAM

Re: Some general questions

PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:36 pm
by jamessmith
any one? any idea?

Re: Some general questions

PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:29 pm
by mflorell
1. the system checks for configuration changes once every minute, it only reloads if changes have been made or you set the force reload flag on the server or system settings pages.
2. yes, set the reload setting to Y on the server or system settings page
3. you would have to edit the script
4. you would have to alter the above script to force it NOT to check for config changes
5. yes
6. yes, all you would need to change on the standalone system is the astguiclient.conf file.
7. yes, you can use a basic MySQL server install for a dedicated DB server for vicidial, nothing else is needed
8. Master-slave is the best thing to use. Having multiple-read or multiple-write "Clustering" doesn't work with Vicidial. What you can do is have the slave server used for reports so it will not interfere with production call handling.

Re: Some general questions

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:29 pm
by williamconley
2. Is there a way to make vicidial/asterisk reload the details manually by issuing some command?
3. How can I change the frequency / time delay of loading the configuration?
4. If I know that I am not going to update any configuration should I set it to reload the the details only when the system boots up?
8. Master-slave is the best thing to use. Having multiple-read or multiple-write "Clustering" doesn't work with Vicidial. What you can do is have the slave server used for reports so it will not interfere with production call handling.
2. We have a functional prototype with a "do it now" button in the Carriers page. Presently only functional in a non-cluster scenario, but could be ported.

3. At present configuration reload "need" is checked at the One Minute Mark. If reload is required, that's when it will happen (based on the runtime of the script specified by Matt). Running that script sooner will "check" sooner, but will not force a reload unless the aforementioned flag is set.
4. Configuration does not rebuild OR reload unless that flag is set. Even at reboot. Rebuild/reload really takes such a short amount of time unless you have several hundred agents or ingroups or IVRs or phones that it does not matter (but this is already optimized as you describe).
8. Using the instructions for Replication that I believe accompany Vicibox is the recommended course. If you have that set up and want to experiment with other methods, go for it ... but Kumba built this and it works. Inventing your own wheel, of course, is always up to you. :)