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Sangoma A102 detected as A200

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:10 am
by thirdhatch
Having a problem with a new Sangoma A102 with Vicibox 3.1.15.

The server detects the card as an A200 but I confirmed that the card is an AFT A102. Can't get wancfg_dahdi to work.

To clarify, the lspci command shows a Sangoma A200 Network Controller and wancfg_dahdi does not detect the card. The card is pci express. I pulled it twice to make sure it was the correct card and it is indeed an A102.

Thanks for any ideas.

Re: Sangoma A102 detected as A200

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:59 pm
by thirdhatch
This is the error I keep getting when I try to run wancfg_dahdi:
FATAL: Error inserting wanpipe (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

Then it goes on to say it cannot detect my card.

Re: Sangoma A102 detected as A200

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:59 am
by williamconley
Consider a later version of Vicibox and/or trying GoAutoDial (even if just to get the settings and/or verify that it works). You should also consider asking sangoma for assistance, after all you can return the card and I'm sure they would prefer to avoid that.