This thread will contain information on patching ViciBox v.4.0 where applicable. Please post in a separate thread about any new bugs or issues.
ViciBox v.4.0.1 and under PERL modules for email functionality:
1) zypper refresh
2) zypper in perl-WWW-curl perl-Mail-POP3Client perl-Time-Local perl-HTML-Format perl-HTML-Strip perl-Mail-Box perl-Mail-IMAPClient perl-MIME-tools perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-MIME-Base64
Vicibox v.4.0.2 64-bit and under archive configuration file location:
1) mv /etc/apache/conf.d/viciarchive.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/
2) rcapache2 restart
ViciBox v.4.0.2 and under email crontab entry, only do on one server, preferably the database:
1) crontab -l > /root/rootcron
2) echo "### inbound email parser should only be active on a single server" > /root/rootcron
3) echo "* * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/" > /root/rootcron
4) crontab /root/rootcron
ViciBox v.4.0.3 Database-only crontab loading issue, only do on the primary database server:
1) Login as root
2) cat /usr/src/astguiclient/conf/allcron > /tmp/rootcron
3) cat /usr/src/astguiclient/conf/dbcron >> /tmp/rootcron
4) echo "" >> /tmp/rootcron
5) crontab /tmp/rootcron
ViciBox v.4.0 downgrade to MySQL v.5.1:
1) Login as root
2) rcmysql stop
3) cp /etc/init.d/mysql /root/
4) zypper rm mysql-community-server
For 32 bit only:
5) wget -O MySQL-server-5.1.68-1.glibc23.i386.rpm
6) zypper in MySQL-server-5.1.68-1.glibc23.i386.rpm
For 64 bit only:
5) wget -O MySQL-server-5.1.68-1.glibc23.x86_64.rpm
6) zypper in MySQL-server-5.1.68-1.glibc23.x86_64.rpm
7) cp /root/mysql /etc/init.d/mysql
mv /etc/my.cnf.rpmsave /etc/my.cnf
9) rcmysql start
10) mysql_upgrade
You can safely ignore the errors about the performance schema tables not being compatible. Those are a MySQL 5.5 specific item and are not used in MySQL v.5.1.
Install new PERL module for the changed login system, All versions of ViciBox below v.5.0 and SVN 1993:
1) zypper in perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish