Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

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Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

Postby bghayad » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:35 am


vicibox 4.0.3, vicidial 2.8-404a, Build 130605-0841, asterisk, Single Machine, Vtiger 5.4

The calls that are dialed directly from the Phones (and it is recorded), how I can have a CDR (like export calls report) to see these calls and the filename of the recording? This is existed in the Export Calls report but not including the outbound calls that are placed from the Phone directly.

Why I need this? It is because I need to search for the recording file and I do not know from which phone was done (I do not need to go for each Phone and search for the recording file). If there is a method to let these calls logged and appearing in the Export Calls to check the filename, then it is great. HOW?

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Re: Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

Postby DomeDan » Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:03 am

You could probably edit the extensions.conf and make the calls call the agi script that logs the calls.

but why not use manual dial through the agent web-ui? that would make the calls get logged and you would be able to pull reports from it
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Re: Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

Postby bghayad » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:08 am

Basically what I did now, that I am able to browse the directory that contains the recording files and from this page, I do a search using the search tool that existed in the browser. Actually, I am searching for based on the phone number because the recorded file name contains the phone number.

but why not use manual dial through the agent web-ui? that would make the calls get logged and you would be able to pull reports from it

* Manual dialing required to dial the number, and then click on the phone extension at the interface to do like a conference between the dialed number and the agent phone extension .. it is not a practical way .. If manual dialing is only to dial the number from the application and it will automatically do the call from the agent IP Phone to the customer (without need to bridge them from the agent desktop), it could be acceptable. How this can be resolved?

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Re: Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

Postby DomeDan » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:00 am

I'm not sure how you are thinking and I don't understand why its harder to copy/paste the phone number into the agent screen then the VoIP phone
or why it should not be connected using the agent screen
and why you want to call leads that have a recording,

sounds like it would be better to just create a script creating new leads based on those recorded files you are referring to and have a auto dial campaign that calls those leads
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Re: Dialing number from the Phone, CDR?

Postby williamconley » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:34 pm

The latest vicidial contains a method to allow direct dialed calls (from the phones, not in a logged in session) record and they should automatically appear in the Admin->Phones record for each phone. Change the context of the phone to "defaultlog" instead of "default". A few versions ago we had to correct a slight flaw to allow the recordings to appear, but I think that bug has since been fixed (haven't verified it).
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