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Configuring Voicemail to send Email?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:09 pm
by Nefariousparity
So I have one server that is ViciBox, I have another server that runs cpanel and all my domain stuff.

Last night, I followed this guide ... ng-custom/

Did a few voice mails with no issues, and it sent the email.

Today, I changed the email in the vicidial admin interface, and now its like asterisk is not even running the voicemail-send.php.

When I tail /var/log/mail I don't even see it attempt to send an email. At least last night while I was configuring the right method and mail account I could see errors. But it's like it is not even making it that far today?

Re: Configuring Voicemail to send Email?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by williamconley
Vicidial would have sent the emails without you making any changes in the "guide" you mentioned. It is likely that it was able to send before you began making those changes. Somehow your changes never "took effect" and Vicidial/Asterisk successfully sent the emails with the default configuration. Then your system rebooted overnight, loaded your "changes" and no longer works.

Put back whatever you changed. 8-)

Re: Configuring Voicemail to send Email?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:08 am
by Nefariousparity
Uggg, oh. By default seemed like I was not getting anything initially. That is why I looked for a guide. Doh eth! Now I get to sort out this mess.

Re: Configuring Voicemail to send Email?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:22 am
by Nefariousparity
Well that was not so hard, so I just by passed everything int hat guide. At least my postfix is setup secure and properly. Just not going to use their sendmail php script anymore or this mail command in my voicemail.conf.

mailcmd=php /srv/www/htdocs/voicemail-send.php