
Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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Postby Nefariousparity » Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:51 pm

So I have campaign (A) with all my agents on a outbound campaign.
Then, I wanted Campaign (B) to be a survey campaign with a remote agent logged in so it will dial.
When Campaign (B) connects with customer, have them press 1 to be dropped into speaking with agents, like a ingroup.

So far what from what I can see, I have to have them press 1 to "OPTIN", and then be transferred to call menu, where they would have to hear a message and press 1 again. Is there a way to just have them "OPTIN" on the initial call, and be dropped into the ingroup the campaign (A) agents are in?

So in short, remote agent is logged into survey campaign, it calls out, connects with customer, they press (1) and go directly to in group all agents are in on another campaign?
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Re: Survey-Ingroup?

Postby Nefariousparity » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:19 am

I was able to resolve my issue by setting the drop timeout in survey to like 1 second and use call menu for drop call action in campaign. Maybe this is the ass backwards way of doing this? Seems to be working.
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