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Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:17 pm
by bghayad

vicibox 4.0.3, vicidial 2.8-404a, Build 130605-0841, asterisk, Single Machine, Vtiger 5.4

In the real time report, it is appearing the agent session ID but this make us not able which agent ! How I can find (from where) the relation between the session id and the agent? Because it is not practical to go agent agent and check the session id for each agent to know this session id for which agent.


Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:39 pm
by bghayad

Any Help?


Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:59 pm
by Kumba
Session Id is somewhat randomly chosen. You can see the session ID on the real-time report. You don't need to walk around to see the agent's screen to get it. There is no defined relationship other then when an agent logs in it gives them the next unused session ID. After they log out that session ID can be assigned to the next agent.

Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:17 am
by bghayad
I know .. But in the real time report, I need to understand which agent has this information.
For example, I need to know which agent in dead call .. I know it's session I'd but I have to look which agent of this session id so I can go for the agent and chk why he is in dead call. That is why I need a method to link between the session id and the agent instead of going agent agent and chk their sessions ids.


Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:32 am
by DomeDan
You should be able to see the user id and even username (at least in a later version)
Or maybe the user setting is set to hide the user id info? check that

here is a sceenshot of how it should look:

Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:41 pm
by Kumba
bghayad wrote:For example, I need to know which agent in dead call .. I know it's session I'd but I have to look which agent of this session id so I can go for the agent and chk why he is in dead call.

Click "Show Agent Name". If that's not it then I can't help you as I don't understand your question. You have the Agent ID/Name, then two columns over on the realtime report you have the SessionID. If they are on the same line it means they are related.

Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:04 pm
by bghayad
My problem that I do not see the station and user column so what could be the reason?
I checked the user settings (I am using admin user to login), but really I did not find any thing related to hiding the user info in the reporting .. which one could be?


Re: Relation between session id and agent

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:18 pm
by bghayad
OK I found it ... It is Realtime Block User Info, I was sitting it 1 and I changed it to 1, so I can see the user name.

Thanks a lot for the help.