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Vicibox Images

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:50 pm
by amjohnson
What tool do you use to build the ViciBox image? I've been playing around with SuSEStudio and experimenting with the iso..

So far I've been able to extract the installation CD and mount the EXT3 install image and customize it for how we use vicidial, fix that annoying repository that is broken, preset my firewall rules, add our performance tuning that we do, update the SVN version on the disk, update the OS on the disk and a few other odds and ends -- Incinga/cacti pluggins etc.

Now my next plan is to put the image on our PXE Boot server I use for loading workstations via clonezilla. However I want it to run the actual installer and from what I can see the only way to do that would be to use SuSeStudio with the vicibox configuration and build it with a initrd and kernel that supports PXE booting.. Any thoughts?

The image I am using now I manually extracted and chrooted to update but after reading on KIWI and SuSEStudio there has to be an easier way.


Re: Vicibox Images

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:49 pm
by williamconley
Moved to ViciBox board (as this is directly related to the installer and Not to Vicidial core).

I am fairly certain that there are many methods to burn the final image to .iso when complete. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that there are many tutorials to accomplish this task associated with SuSEStudio. Probably more than one youtube video even.

We use mkisofs (last time I checked anyway)

I'm not entirely certain the Kumba will share the name of the app he uses, though. Just sayin' :)