Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

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Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby bghayad » Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:31 am


vicibox 5.0.3, vicidial 2.8-420a, Build 131210-1741, asterisk, Single Machine, Core I7, Vtiger 6.0

At the list, I see that there are time out calls which is explained as the calls that stayed in the queue until reached the time out, right? It is actually a drop calls. But at the real time report, I do not see Drop Calls ! It is only displaying drop calls, when there is no agent available.

I need to correct this, so the time out calls to be calculated within the DROP calls that I can see it in the real time report. How?

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:52 pm

When you say "timeout calls", you should post an example and specify the URL of the report you see it on. (We don't need your domain or IP, but the rest of the url).
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Re: Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby bghayad » Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:44 pm

I am talking about the real time report which can be reached by this link https://IP_ADDRESS:4443/vicidial/realtime_report.php#

For example, Calls Today is 100, Drop Calls 2 and Answered 50. But actually, the DROP calls are more than 2, they are 20 as 18 was dropped because of time out "TIMEOT" and 2 was dropped because of "NANQUE". So why the DROP to be 2, it should be 20. How can this be resolved?

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Re: Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:53 pm


But you left off half of the puzzle. You have told us where you see the information you believe to be wrong. You have shared your "interpretation" of the information you believe makes it wrong. But you did not share Where you got this "timeot" information and no screen shot or even copy/paste of the data from either page.

Are these inbound calls or outbound calls?

What path did they take?

Were they dropped from the campaign (outbound) or from the ingroup (inbound) or from a call menu (inbound)?

Each of these paths can have different statuses based on time out vs drop vs route to a new location ... And ingroup/call menu drops are not specific to a "campaign", thus they do not appear as "drops" in the campaign. Ingroups have "service level" instead of "drop ratio" (different rules/laws apply). For inbound "drops" you actually would look at the "Inbound Service Level Report".

Also look here: http://vicidial.org/docs/VICIDIAL_statuses.txt
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby bghayad » Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:47 pm

Hello William;

I am talking about the inbound calls and certainly about the reports: Inbound Report and Inbound Service Level Report. For example, in the Inbound Report, the timeout calls are not considered to be drop calls !!! And here is the question: What is the dropped calls if the timeout calls are not drop calls?

In other words, what do you need more than that the call stayed in the queue and waiting for agent to reply until it reached for the timeout and it is not considered as dropped call? Please give a look for the below table that is downloaded from the inbound report and please let me understand why the timeout calls are not considered to be drop calls?

AFTHRS Inbound After Hours UNDEFINED 5 0:05 0:01 1.41
DROP Agent Not Available UNDEFINED 1 1:28 1:28 0.28
OK 61 2:19:34 2:17 17.17
TIMEOT Inbound Queue Timeou UNDEFINED 24 0.05 3:00 6.76
TOTAL: 91 3:33:07 2:21 25.62

From this table: Why the calls that reached timeout (Inbound Queue Timeout is not considered a drop calls)?

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Re: Timeout Drop Calls and real time report

Postby bghayad » Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:09 am


AFTHRS Inbound After Hours UNDEFINED 5 0:05 0:01 1.41
DROP Agent Not Available UNDEFINED 1 1:28 1:28 0.28
OK 61 2:19:34 2:17 17.17
TIMEOT Inbound Queue Timeou UNDEFINED 24 0.05 3:00 6.76
TOTAL: 91 3:33:07 2:21 25.62

TIMEOT Inbound Queue Timeou UNDEFINED 24 0.05 3:00 6.76 ----> Why this is not considered to be drop call and it is only considered the drop call is the Agent Not Available?

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