How to: Run Demo

Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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How to: Run Demo

Postby raas » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:14 am

I run Win7. Downloaded the demo. Installed the demo "ubuntu in windows". Have a ubunto folder in C:\ now. When I reboot I cannot choose ubuntu.

How do I actually run this demo?
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:53 am

Re: How to: Run Demo

Postby williamconley » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:43 pm

The demo is (Um?) six years old? It's NOT meant to be installed. It's meant as a Live Demo CD.

Boot from it, and it becomes the Vicidial server without making any changes to the HD (and also can not be rebooted without losing everything you've done ...). While it's very old and pretty much outdated and probably will not run on a "latest/greatest" piece of hardware, if you can get it to boot and not complain during startup ... it IS a functional Vicidial system.

That being said, if you are comfortable with that "install it on the HD" you just did ... you should go to and download the latest Standard Vicibox .iso (6.0.3) and install that instead. Not a Demo, full install. There's a PDF on the site to help you through installation.

Then you use the Vicidial Manager's Manual (free from, right next to the paid version which I highly recommend) to CONFIGURE the newly installed dialer. Don't skip any pages and you'll be good to go before you know it. You can stop any time you like (such as when everything you want to work already does) ... just don't SKIP anything or you'll be at this for weeks. LOL

If you have hiccups, bring them here along with the Manual version and page/line where you had the hiccup. Describe what you thought would happen and what really happened and provide any relevant configuration settings to make it easy for us to help out.

Happy Hunting! 8-)

PS: We offer a $25/48 hour "Sampler Server" which we honestly haven't updated in over a year. Most clients just lease the server for the first month without the Sample Run or install it locally for testing before leasing a server (because we have lots of bandwidth. 8-) ). It has Vicidial and a bunch of other software. All open source/free.
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