Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files
williamconley wrote:Yep. In fact that's the recommended method. Fresh installation. Copy the DB to the new server. Dump the previous DB. Install the copied DB.
- Code: Select all
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files
Then follow the instructions in the UPGRADE document in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk (only the DB portion of course).
Also run the ip update script and be sure to update the "admin->servers" values for this server. Especially the Asterisk version, since that will likely have changed.
williamconley wrote:Yep. In fact that's the recommended method. Fresh installation. Copy the DB to the new server. Dump the previous DB. Install the copied DB.
- Code: Select all
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files
Then follow the instructions in the UPGRADE document in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk (only the DB portion of course).
Also run the ip update script and be sure to update the "admin->servers" values for this server. Especially the Asterisk version, since that will likely have changed.
justasking wrote:Yes I have a cluster setup. 1DB 1WEB and 3Telephony.
The thing is I just want to have a HDD backup for my DB, so that just in case my current DB HDD fails, I can just swap my backup DB HDD.
Is there any ways to backup or clone my current DB HDD? I can't really find the version I'm using right now which is Vicibox 2.6-395a
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