Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

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Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby justasking » Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:09 am

Good day!

I would like to ask for this vicibox version. I badly needed it right now for my database.

VERSION: 2.6-395a
BUILD: 130221-1736
© 2013 ViciDial Group

This is my current version and I want to backup and restore it on another server. I am not into upgrade right now. I tried vicibox cloning but it's not working.

Another question..

Is it possible to backup my current version and restore into another version? I just want a copy of my database on another server if possible.

Vicidial version is VERSION: 2.6-395a BUILD: 130221-1736 and our Asterisk version is 1.4.44-vici build 13 (1 DB, 1 WEB, 3 Telephony)
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby williamconley » Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:51 am

Yep. In fact that's the recommended method. Fresh installation. Copy the DB to the new server. Dump the previous DB. Install the copied DB.

Code: Select all
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files

Then follow the instructions in the UPGRADE document in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk (only the DB portion of course).

Also run the ip update script and be sure to update the "admin->servers" values for this server. Especially the Asterisk version, since that will likely have changed. 8-)
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby justasking » Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:58 am

williamconley wrote:Yep. In fact that's the recommended method. Fresh installation. Copy the DB to the new server. Dump the previous DB. Install the copied DB.

Code: Select all
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files

Then follow the instructions in the UPGRADE document in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk (only the DB portion of course).

Also run the ip update script and be sure to update the "admin->servers" values for this server. Especially the Asterisk version, since that will likely have changed. 8-)

So at the end, my db server version would be ViciBox 7.0.3 and asterisk v.11.20.0-vici while my web and three telephony were maintained as ViciBox 2.6 Asterisk 1.4.44-vici? Having different vicibox and asterisk versions won't cause any effect on the server? Is it advisable to also upgrade my web and telephony to the newew version? rather than upgrading the DB?
Vicidial version is VERSION: 2.6-395a BUILD: 130221-1736 and our Asterisk version is 1.4.44-vici build 13 (1 DB, 1 WEB, 3 Telephony)
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby justasking » Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:03 am

williamconley wrote:Yep. In fact that's the recommended method. Fresh installation. Copy the DB to the new server. Dump the previous DB. Install the copied DB.

Code: Select all
mysql -p -e "drop database asterisk"
mysql -p -e "create database asterisk"
mysql -p asterisk < /path/to/old/database/files

Then follow the instructions in the UPGRADE document in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk (only the DB portion of course).

Also run the ip update script and be sure to update the "admin->servers" values for this server. Especially the Asterisk version, since that will likely have changed. 8-)

So at the end, my db server version would be ViciBox 7.0.3 and asterisk v.11.20.0-vici while my web and three telephony were maintained as ViciBox 2.6 Asterisk 1.4.44-vici? Having different vicibox and asterisk versions won't cause any effect on the server? Is it advisable to also upgrade my web and telephony to the newew version? rather than upgrading the DB?
Vicidial version is VERSION: 2.6-395a BUILD: 130221-1736 and our Asterisk version is 1.4.44-vici build 13 (1 DB, 1 WEB, 3 Telephony)
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby williamconley » Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:06 am

The freshly installed server would only need the DB upgraded.

If this is a cluster, however: The other servers would need the rest of the UPGRADE performed according to the instructions in the aforementioned UPGRADE document.

All servers must be running the same code-base. And the DB must match that codebase.

It's easier to upgrade all the other servers than the DB server. Very much so. LOL
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby justasking » Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:52 am

Yes I have a cluster setup. 1DB 1WEB and 3Telephony.

The thing is I just want to have a HDD backup for my DB, so that just in case my current DB HDD fails, I can just swap my backup DB HDD.

Is there any ways to backup or clone my current DB HDD? I can't really find the version I'm using right now which is Vicibox 2.6-395a
Vicidial version is VERSION: 2.6-395a BUILD: 130221-1736 and our Asterisk version is 1.4.44-vici build 13 (1 DB, 1 WEB, 3 Telephony)
Posts: 43
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Re: Vicibox 2.6-395a HELP

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:58 pm

justasking wrote:Yes I have a cluster setup. 1DB 1WEB and 3Telephony.

The thing is I just want to have a HDD backup for my DB, so that just in case my current DB HDD fails, I can just swap my backup DB HDD.

Is there any ways to backup or clone my current DB HDD? I can't really find the version I'm using right now which is Vicibox 2.6-395a

ViciBOX is the installer, and the version of Vicibox ranges from 1.0.0 to 7.0.X presently. There was never a "2.6-395a", because that is ViciDIAL (which is the dialer application suite, which is installed by ViciBOX along with everything necessary to run ViciDIAL). That being said ... :)

You can duplicate any hard drive using any tool that will duplicate hard drives. Then you can push your nightly backup file to that hard drive which gives you the ability to restore from the previous night's backup. But for "up to the moment" restoration, you'd need the binary logs or replication.

Binary logs are purely mysql and not related to Vicidial per set, as is replication ... but there is a Vicidial installation method that will allow a separate server to be created with a replicated database (not in the same server, a completely different box ...). After all, what if it's not just the HD that dies? What if the lightning strike takes out the HD, PS, memory, and Motherboard? Having a spare server is obviously the way to go ... but replication slows down the Database server (whether configured by using a standard Vicidial method or not, this is true).

However: binary log shipping takes NO database time, just cpu time for copying/moving files. That, however, still requires a restoration process from the prior night's backup using the binary logs to "bring it up to date". Not a topic covered by Standard Vicidial Anything at present. 8-)
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