Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
Kumba wrote:ViciBox v.8.1 will have Asterisk 13.20.0 by default. There are no plans to change PHP to PHP7 at this time.
The design goals of ViciBox v.8.1 are as follows:
- Default VoIP Black list integration with the firewall to prevent a good chunk of known SIP attackers
- ViciDial integrated white/dynamic IP access control lists across the entire cluster
- ViciPhone (WebRTC) setup with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates (Needs FQDN)
- General OS hardening and tuning (better opcache tuning, PCI Web-DSS, etc)
- New documentation
Currently I'm in the weeds with clients but the big pieces left to do are as follows:
- Finish dynamic firewall pieces
- Lets Encrypt installer (haven't even started it)
- Documentation (Blah)
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