Adding Slave DB Server to Live Cluster Errors During Install

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Adding Slave DB Server to Live Cluster Errors During Install

Postby AkkerKid » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:07 am

I'm trying to add a server to a production cluster so that I can offload reporting and other non-realtime scripts and queries.
Here's what I get when running the vicibox-install. Note the errors regarding slave user and pass.
What can I do to fix it? I wasn't given the option to set a slave user or pass.

Do you want to continue with the ViciBox install? [y/N] : y

Do you want to enable expert installation? [y/N] : y

The Internal IP address found was
Do you want to use this IP address for ViciDial? [Y/n] : n
Please enter the IP address to use for this server :

Will this server be used as the Database? [y/N] : y
---> Will this be a Slave Databse? [y/N] : y

Please input the master database IP address ( :
Do you want to connect using the default ViciDial DB settings? [Y/n] : n
Please enter the database information below
DB Username (cron) : cron
DB Password (1234) : ObviouslyNotMyCronPass
DB Name (asterisk) : asterisk
DB Custom Username (custom) : custom
DB Custom Password (custom1234) : ObviouslyNotMyCustomPass
DB Port (3306) : 3306
Database entry does not match settings supplied! Enabling legacy mode!
Please verify all data before continuing! Installing on a cluster that
is already set-up can cause irreparable damage! You have been warned.
Please enter the MySQL Slave ID to use : 2
Please make sure that the 'replication' priviledge is granted to
the DB user before continuing. If not then the replication will fail.

Will this server be used as a Web server? [y/N] : y
---> Install Redirect Page? [y/N] : n
---> Install phpMyAdmin ? [y/N] : n

Will this server be used as a Telephony server? [y/N] : n

Will this server be used as an Archive server? [y/N] : n

The local SVN is build 180927-0018 version 2.14-692a from SVN 3047
Do you want to use the ViciDial version listed above? [Y/n] : n
Do you want to use the latest SVN version 3051? [Y/n] : n
Please enter the SVN revision to use : 3032

Do you want to disable the built-in firewall? [y/N] : y

--- ViciBox v.8.1 Install Summary ---

Expert : Yes
Legacy : Yes
Database : Yes
Slave ID : 2
Web : Yes
Redirect : No
PMA : No
Telephony: No
Archive : No
Firewall : Disabled

--- Configuration Information ---
- Database -
SVN Rev : 3032
IP Addr :
Name : asterisk
User : cron
Password : ObviouslyNotMyCronPass
Cust User: custom
Cust Pass: ObviouslyNotMyCustomPass
Use of uninitialized value $DBslaveuser in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/bin/vicibox-install line 1632, <STDIN> line 24.
Slave Usr:
Use of uninitialized value $DBslavepass in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/bin/vicibox-install line 1633, <STDIN> line 24.
Slave Pw :
Port : 3306

Please verify the above information before continuing!
Do you want to continue the installation? [y/N] : y

Beginning installation, expect lots of output...

Disabling firewall...
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/SuSEfirewall2_setup.service.
<38>Oct 24 05:41:06 SuSEfirewall2[2329]: Firewall rules unloaded.

Updating to SVN revision 3032...
Updating '/usr/src/astguiclient/trunk':
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/agi/VD_amd.agi
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/agi/agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/agi/agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/bin/
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/bin/
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/bin/
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/bin/
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/bin/
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/docs/CALLER_ID_NAME_CODES.txt
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/docs/Sangoma_Netborder_CPD_Walkthrough.txt
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/MySQL_AST_CREATE_tables.sql
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/agc/agc_agent_manager_chat_interface.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/agc/vdc_db_query.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/agc/vicidial.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/vicidial/AST_admin_template_maker.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/vicidial/admin.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/vicidial/admin_amm_multi.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/vicidial/admin_listloader_fourth_gen.php
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/www/vicidial/help_documentation.txt
U /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/UPGRADE
Updated to revision 3032.
Skipped '>> /var/log/vicibox.log 2>> /var/log/vicibox.log'
Summary of updates:
Updated '/usr/src/astguiclient/trunk' to r3032.
Summary of conflicts:
Skipped paths: 1
Doing general DataBase requirements...
Doing Slave-specific MySQL setup...

Beginning database dump from master, this may take a while...

Info: Using unique option prefix 'all-database' is error-prone and can break in the future. Please use the full name 'all-databases' instead.
mysqldump: Got error: 1045: "Access denied for user 'slave'@'' (using password: YES)" when trying to connect
Could not get database dump from master: 512 at /usr/local/bin/vicibox-install line 298, <STDIN> line 25.
DB: Dual E5-2697 12-core @ 2.7GHz, 128GB DDR3, RAID1 240GB SSD, 45GB SWAP is never used.
Dialers: 15X Single CPU E3-1231 @ 3.4GHz, 16GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, 2GB SWAP, Amfeltec PCI-e timing card
Vicibox 8.1 Build 3032
250-280 agent upper limit before meltdown
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:57 am

Re: Adding Slave DB Server to Live Cluster Errors During Ins

Postby williamconley » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:03 pm

1) Note that we do not use this script to build the replication server, so I'm guessing, of course. We just use mysql replication, unrelated to Vicidial, since this server has NO other purpose except to run the replication DB. However: In many situations we'll perform this replication install on an existing dialer and add replication to the server outside of the vicidial scripting system.

2) "all databases" is a bad idea, IMHO, even if it is in the script. I'd go into detail, but for now let's say "just the asterisk DB" is the method we prefer.

3) Access denied: Is your old system very old? If so, the user you are trying to use may not exist and/or may not have permission to replicate. Try again with root user credentials.
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Re: Adding Slave DB Server to Live Cluster Errors During Ins

Postby Kumba » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:17 pm

The issue is that the slave user is not set-up on the master or not set-up correctly for the database dump to work.
Try running this on the master and then re-doing your slave install.

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