by williamconley » Thu May 14, 2009 11:01 am
The symptom was basically that it sounded like the Agent was under water while talking. The prospect could be heard clearly, though. With even a SINGLE call. Ordinarily this would be zaptel not compiled for the present machine, but in this case it was a much simpler solution.
but it was an odd solution... cottonking2000 (you gotta explain that name to me LOL) had multiple "devices" with the provider and ONE of them was static instead of dynamic. Apparently the settings in that one were ... less than optimal. But no matter which "deviced" he used (via authentication), that static one would override and the new settings s*ck*d, too. It would allow using the codecs and protocol of the new device, but SOMETHING of the static device was somehow overriding.
We put him on another provider for a minute (after rebuilding libpri/zaptel/asterisk which did not help) and it was crystal. Then deleted all his connections with his provider and created a new fresh one. Upon deletion of the old "devices" and creation of the new one ... crystal calls again with the original provider.
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