What to do is if the installer did not work.

Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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What to do is if the installer did not work.

Postby mcargile » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:11 am

Vicibox Server is still in the RC phase. There are still bugs in the installer which we are trying to fix. In order to fix them though we do need to have accurate information.

One thing you can try putting as the DNS server when doing the initial installation. This is a high level DNS server which is very reliable unlike some ISP's.

There is also a log file for the installer located in /var/log/astguiclient called ubuntu-vici-install.log. Please read through it and try and find where the errors begin and post them and about 15 lines above that. This will give us an idea of what is going wrong and where in the installation.

Lastly please provide the specs of the server you are installing Vicibox Server on.
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Postby ronsrussell » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:11 pm

FYI - After running the installer, this log is not created.

Re: What to do is if the installer did not work.

Postby p843l » Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:32 pm

what to do if after the first step of the installation, exactly in the phase 1 of the walk through, when it says:

"12. When completed, you will be presented with the option of rebooting now or later. For the sake
of this document, we chose to reboot now by pressing Enter. If you choose to reboot later you
will be brought back to a linux prompt in the Live CD. You can then simply reboot by typing
'reboot' when you are ready."

So, after reboot, shows a prompt that allows you to select between "openSUSE 11.3" or "FailSafe -- openSUSE 11.3", and when I select the first option, the screen looks that is turned off.

When I select the second option, I just don't know what to do. I can't keep following the walk through.

(I downloaded the VICIbox 64-bit Standard from the vicibox page, my computer has a Intel Core I3 processor, 4GB of memory and 500GB hard drive)

What to do?? What to do??
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Re: What to do is if the installer did not work.

Postby tarundas » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:52 am

What to do?? and What to do?? ... well ...

For First "What to do??"
Use a SERVER ... LOL

for Second "What to do??"
probably you are cheap like me and using a desktop motherboard ;) ...and HD video of your desktop motherboard is giving you a hard time. Try to disable it! Don't worry if your PLAN A doesn't work, the alpahbet has 25 more letters! Stay cool!
After phase 1 installation DONT REBOOT, do the followings ...
vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
replace vga=<something> with vga=0 nomodeset
Reboot and buy me a beer
Some people aren't just missing a SCREW... they're missing the whole damn TOOLBOX!
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