Anyone know the fix for this?
Team Performance
Agent Status Detail
Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
select count(*) as calls,full_name,vicidial_users.user,status from vicidial_users,vicidial_agent_log where event_time <= '2013-06-13 23:59:59' and event_time >= '2013-06-13 00:00:00' and vicidial_users.user=vicidial_agent_log.user and campaign_id IN('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') and vicidial_agent_log.user_group IN('ADMIN','PH-Agents','TX-Ashley','TX-Jasey','TX-Training','TX-University') group by user,full_name,status order by full_name,user,status desc limit 500000;
select count(distinct lead_id) from vicidial_agent_log where lead_id is not null and event_time>='2013-06-13 00:00:00' and event_time<='2013-06-13 23:59:59' and campaign_id IN('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') and user='teu' and user_group='TX-Ashley'
select count(*) from vicidial_callbacks where status in ('ACTIVE', 'LIVE') and campaign_id IN('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') and user='teu' and user_group='TX-Ashley'
select val.status, val.sub_status, vs.customer_contact, sum(val.talk_sec), sum(val.pause_sec), sum(val.wait_sec), sum(val.dispo_sec), sum(val.dead_sec), count(*) from vicidial_agent_log val, vicidial_statuses vs where val.user='teu' and val.user_group='TX-Ashley' and val.event_time>='2013-06-13 00:00:00' and val.event_time<='2013-06-13 23:59:59' and val.status=vs.status and vs.status in (select status from vicidial_statuses) and val.campaign_id in ('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') group by status, customer_contact UNION select val.status, val.sub_status, vs.customer_contact, sum(val.talk_sec), sum(val.pause_sec), sum(val.wait_sec), sum(val.dispo_sec), sum(val.dead_sec), count(*) from vicidial_agent_log val, vicidial_campaign_statuses vs where val.campaign_id in ('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') and val.user='teu' and val.user_group='TX-Ashley' and val.event_time>='2013-06-13 00:00:00' and val.event_time<='2013-06-13 23:59:59' and val.status=vs.status and val.campaign_id=vs.campaign_id and vs.status in (select distinct status from vicidial_campaign_statuses where campaign_id IN('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN')) group by status, customer_contact
nrc wrote:How can i get the system to show you the SQL commands being run?
122491 RNX 2013-06-13 07:19:18 32529 CIN 1371125958 0 1371125958 34 1371125992 225 1371126217 1 SALE TX-Ashley NULL NULL NULL 0 N 1371125967.237152
122366 tvy 2013-06-13 07:10:58 34114 CIN 1371125458 0 1371125458 8 1371125466 108 1371125574 1 SALE TX-Ashley NULL NULL 1371125565 9 N 1371125446.23526
williamconley wrote:What you need to do, if possible, is locate the log records of a single missing entry. Then see how it differs from the other records (either directly or through association with some other record that may be involved in the sql queries involved).
Big problems like this are usually solved by following a single known failure to find its cause. The rest of the flaws are then usually shown to be related to the original and resolved at the same time. For instance, sales from Inbound calls are somehow treated differently, or transfers from inbounds ... something slightly different about the records that causes them to be different. But the troubleshooting starts from identifying a broken entry.
select val.status, val.sub_status, vs.customer_contact, sum(val.talk_sec), sum(val.pause_sec), sum(val.wait_sec), sum(val.dispo_sec), sum(val.dead_sec), count(*) from vicidial_agent_log val, vicidial_statuses vs where val.user='tdr' and val.user_group='TX-Ashley' and val.event_time>='2013-06-26 00:00:00' and val.event_time<='2013-06-26 23:59:59' and val.status=vs.status and vs.status in (select status from vicidial_statuses) and val.campaign_id in ('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','SNRF','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') group by status, customer_contact UNION select val.status, val.sub_status, vs.customer_contact, sum(val.talk_sec), sum(val.pause_sec), sum(val.wait_sec), sum(val.dispo_sec), sum(val.dead_sec), count(*) from vicidial_agent_log val, vicidial_campaign_statuses vs where val.campaign_id in ('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','SNRF','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN') and val.user='tdr' and val.user_group='TX-Ashley' and val.event_time>='2013-06-26 00:00:00' and val.event_time<='2013-06-26 23:59:59' and val.status=vs.status and val.campaign_id=vs.campaign_id and vs.status in (select distinct status from vicidial_campaign_statuses where campaign_id IN('AIEF','CIN','NAA','NRF','ROAR','SNRF','TEMPLATE','TXTRAIN')) group by status, customer_contact
UPDATE vicidial_agent_log
SET user='tdr'
WHERE user='TDR'
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