Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
mflorell wrote:The changes to Vicidial have just been committed for Asterisk 1.8 support. This is in the BETA testing phase currently, and is not recommended for use in production at this time. While we have performed a lot of testing, we have not tested this in production, so you have been warned.
If you choose to upgrade an existing system, please make note of the many conf file changes(extensions.conf and manager.conf) that will need to be made for Vicidial to function properly while interfacing with Asterisk 1.8. Also, make sure that the Admin -> Servers -> modify server "Asterisk Version" setting is set properly for the version you have installed on that server.
To download a version of Asterisk 1.8 that we are working from, go to:
To download the Vicidial code changes, just upgrade or download the latest svn/trunk snapshot.
Not all of these software packages are manditory to successfully install Asterisk and some of them can be
installed on other machines on your network like MySQL or Apache. But, in this
installation we are assuming that there are no other machines on our network to
help the Asterisk server, so it must have everything it needs installed locally.
*OPTIONAL* (only install Apache and PHP locally if you don't want to use an installation on another machine)
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