this is going to freak you out...
I changed the setting on astguiclient.conf of the VARDB_server to localhost, and it worked.
the machine I am setting up is single server, when I use an IP address instead of localhost i get that problem, when I used localhost, it just suddenly worked.
Is it faster for the call_log agi to access the db using "localhost" rather than an IP?
--- If it is, then the reason why its not transferring the call to the agent is that if the agi isnt finished, and the new extension was spawned, it will not find the record it was looking to transfer, coz it aint there yet (agi hasnt finished), so it drops the new spawned extension (then executes the deadAGI). Then the live call is transfered to 8365, and the agi-VDADtransfer.agi doesnt find what it was looking for also.
This will really give me a problem w/ a split server scenario using my gateway. I will test other gateway then... or have a long talk w/ current one...