To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

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To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby bghayad » Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:20 am


vicibox 4.0.3, vicidial 2.8-404a, Build 130605-0841, asterisk, Single Machine, Vtiger 5.4

Each time I need to repeat dialing the numbers in the list, I have to delete the list and re-create it and load the leads. I tried to do Reset Lead-Called-Status for this list: Y and I checked that the called_since_last_reset is N but the calls did not happen. Also, I tried to make the list not active and again active, the same thing .. did not dial. And I tried to put the campaign not active and then active, but the same thing that the numbers are not called.

The only way, is to delete the list and recreate it and then load the leads for it !

Any solution for this?

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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby DomeDan » Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:22 am

have you added anything but NEW as dial statuses, like: NA, DC, B, A etc in the campaign?
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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby bghayad » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:59 am

No, but it could be related to the call time or to the agent to be logged in.

Meanwhile, I set a call time .. and I need to change it .. why when i select another call time, it gives State rules defined for this call time: -1? Why the -1? Actually this is what is making the trouble for the campaign.

How I can determine if to recall the not answered calls or do not call them?

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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby DomeDan » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:03 am

When you have dialed all lead with status NEW and you do a "Reset Lead-Called-Status for this list"
it wont change the status, you need to add dial statuses like NA, DC, B, A to make the system dial leads with those statuses.

Or you can use lead recycle to specify how many times you max want to call a lead with for example NA

Have you read the manual?
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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby bghayad » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:47 pm

Thanks william .. I am check this again the manual .. and post back the solution.

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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby DomeDan » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:20 am

Do so Toknesse
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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby williamconley » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:26 pm

DomeDan, did you change your name recently? LOL
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Re: To repeat the dialing, I have to delete the list

Postby DomeDan » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:45 am

Seams so xD
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