Off-Hook, closing the line and the agent screen

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Off-Hook, closing the line and the agent screen

Postby bghayad » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:24 am


vicibox 4.0.3, vicidial 2.8-404a, Build 130605-0841, asterisk, Single Machine, Vtiger 5.4

By using the agent off-Hook which means he has to accept the call once he login to the campaign, if the line closed (by mistake for example), how can the call come again for the agent to accept it and enter the conference without getting the agent screen to decide if to login again or to call agent again (it is because the agent still logged in and did not log out ... the only thing that he disconnect the line at the phone). Because, if the agent forgot to look for the agent desktop (specifically if he was working on another program like the CRM and busy with it), so he will not get the call until go to the agent desktop screen and click call agent again to get the call to the phone and accept it to be part of the conference room.

Another thing, is it possible to determine number format that come to the agent IP Phone when he login (instead of the long string), something to be logic .. for example, the conference number or any logical string that has meaning?

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Re: Off-Hook, closing the line and the agent screen

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:46 pm

When the agent accepts the call, the agent and customer are both placed in a conference room.

If the agent accidentally hangs up his phone, we can push the "ring" button at the very top of his screen to get a new call from the conference room so he can talk to the client.

The callerid of the call to the agent can be set to the callerid of the customer in the ingroup settings.
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