regarding the security in vicidial

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regarding the security in vicidial

Postby pagmasakpan » Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:43 pm

Does anyone here knows how to secured a dedicated server using a firewall..or just only using iptables ?

coz i want to block all incoming unknown ips...and allow only specific ip address

can you guyz give me a tricks on iptables on how to do that
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Re: regarding the security in vicidial

Postby williamconley » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:12 pm

there are many posts for this. we have a tool for vicibox (available on, called Dynamic Good Guys). However, before installing the tool it supplies specific instructions on the Lockdown. For GoAuto there have also been many posts. Even a recent one with instructions. I'm not sure, but I think GoAuto v3.0 may even have a bit of an enhancement.

Gardo expressed some interest in the last decent post of a solution specific to CentOS and Webmin that may end up in GoAuto momentarily.

Have a look in the GoAuto board (which deals with OS specific items such as this which are not actually related to Vicidial itself!)
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