Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
if your load on your mysql server is OVER 2.0 on a TWO processor system, you have a load issue. do you have the same conditions you had two years ago? have your databases bloated? (cleaned out the logs and tables? these get too large and YES a system that's been running smoothly can begin to "bog down"). Are there any other system errors on the mysql box that may also cause excess load? This is a Server running in Linux, have a linux person see if there are any errors/problems/failures on the system or if your load is larger than it was. Your simplest (immediate!) solution may be to put the MySQL load onto one of the other servers (which appear to have Processor to Spare).MySQL LoadAvg: 2.35
williamconley wrote:...
Ordinarily this happens when your agent's browser loses contact with the vicidial server. (even if only for a moment, that cannot happen)
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