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Please note that as I pointed out on 1945, if you set DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT to 128000 it helps even more than 32000. I know this is a workaround, but it's very useful for our use case until the engineers start looking at it.
@Dean, I think I may have (once again) figured out your issue.
In the errorlog.gz attachment, I took a look through the logs, and one line jumped out at me as being a bit odd:
[Mar 1 11:30:01] VERBOSE[3821] app.c: – Took too long, cutting it short...
This message means that when the conference participant was asked for his name, he took longer than 10 seconds to say it. The result is that a 10 second file was recorded for the participant's name. When the participant left the call, his channel thread then played that 10 second file into the conference bridge to let the other participants know that he had left the call (this happens even if he is the only participant in the conference). During the playback of this 10 second file, the SIP transaction timed out (since it times out after 6.4 seconds).
Essentially what you have here is the same situation that is happening in ASTERISK-19425. Something is occupying the channel for longer than the SIP transaction timeout. In your case, it's playing back the participant's name to the conference bridge. I suspect that the patch I have attached on ASTERISK-19425 will help with your problem. Note that even with the patch from ASTERISK-19425, you will see some warning messages about "Auto destruct called with owner in place" but the channels should eventually clear.
The only thing that I'm hesitant about is that you stated on that issue that even with DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT set as high as 128000, you still have a few stuck channels.
It may be that back when you made that adjustment, you were getting a combination of the problem I just described AND the issue where hangups were dropped that was fixed in revision 357762. What I suggest you do is to apply both the patch on ASTERISK-19425 and apply the change from revision 357762. If, with both of these applied, you still have stuck SIP channels, then please upload a new debug log and let me know which SIP call-ID is the one involved. In addition, if you find that you still have stuck SIP channels, let me know if the corresponding channels also show up in a "core show channels" call.
@Dan: Given that you are already running a new enough version of Asterisk and you have tried the patch at ASTERISK-19425 with no success, I'm beginning to think that you either have a different issue than what Dean has, or you have the same issue that Dean has for a very small percent of Dean's stuck SIP channels. For now anyway, I'm fine with using this issue as a place for you to upload your logs that demonstrate the stuck SIP channels. If you upload a log, be sure to let me know the SIP call-ID of the stuck dialog, and also let me know if the corresponding channel still shows up if you issue a "core show channels" command.
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