Vicibox Agent in Dutch (language)

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Vicibox Agent in Dutch (language)

Postby MilkTea » Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:36 am

I installed vicibox 5 on a 32 bit machine.I forgot which one, but I think it was preload: the 500 M (the one a normal person can burn onto a 700 M cd which a 714 M image does not allow :shock: )
From then on I used the vicibox-install script and scrupulously manually configured everything
It worked fine almost immediately (which the first 5 tries did not, but they gave me invaluable "real-world-life-experience" :roll: )
I fiddled with it long enough to get 2 campaigns working and some users ... and off we went.. in English
That's no good ... should be in Dutch. Not that 99,9% of the Belgians don't understand English (except the +110 year old aged). But I have to adapt the software into Dutch.
Version numbers :
Astguiclient : VERSION: 2.8-379c BUILD: 130903-1920
Vicidial Admin VERSION: 2.8-410a BUILD: 130824-2319
# asterisk -V :
# uname -a : Linux linux-fsjm 3.7.10-1.16-pae #1 SMP Fri May 31 20:21:23 UTC 2013 (97c14ba) i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

I tried the "welcome_languages.php" and clicked on "Dutch Agent Login" which redirected me to "<removed-because-too-spammy-off-site-url>/agc_nl/vicidial.php" which does not exist (obviously?)

After reading around I found different ways of getting the Dutch Agent screen. As this version 2.8 of astguiclient is not the one maintained in sourceforge (2.7), I think the apropriate way is to let you (william conley, I presume) generate the agc_nl files as explained in one of the solutions I found on this forum. .

It is indead rather extensive to translate the whole php-bunch manually, which I am not refusing to in advance. Should another less labour-intensive solution NOT be available.

I would greatly appreciate your response to this post, negative or positive.



ps. I am creating my wish-list of improvements, which I might implement and of which some would maybe be of a contribution to agc client, in a later stadium.
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Re: Vicibox Agent in Dutch (language)

Postby DomeDan » Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:02 am


There is a translation script (, but it currently does not work, it translates variables and stuff so the interface aint working as it should.
You could remove the translations that messes with the variables and functions, you will end up with a dutch interface with a few english words.
here is a list, don't remember if its complete or not viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26801

I wrote a new script to solve this issue, but the translation file needs some editing for every language,
and I have stopped working on it because it seams that the vicidial group are looking at other translation methods to use viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8487&start=40#p103340
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Re: Vicibox Agent in Dutch (language)

Postby mflorell » Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:54 am

When you run "perl" from /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk , there is an option to install language builds. Select Y for that and the Dutch version should be installed.
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Re: Vicibox Agent in Dutch (language)

Postby DomeDan » Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:17 am

oh sorry, didn't know those LANG_www was updated and didn't contain the translation errors
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