Hi all!
I recently installed a new cluster of Vicis with Vicibox5. We're doing the database on a MariaDB cluster that we already have, and the WEB on a WEB server that we're barely using right now. I took a server and threw the Vicibox installer and ran the 'This is a telephony server = Y' when I was asked for the options during installation. The server SQLd itself in the database fine, no problems there, but the box itself did not install the '-vici' files in /etc/asterisk (like extensions-vici.conf). I downloaded the latest SVN (again, I had done so at installation time) and ran install.pl which pretty much fixed the issue.
Now I have a funny problem. Root's crontab is empty, like..... EMPTY! So..., I believe that inside the SVN checkout of 'trunk' there is a directory called 'config' where I found part of the respective cronstab files. At this point I want to ask the question..., are those the current crons for this install of Vici (Vicibox5 installerVERSION: 2.8-415a BUILD: 131007-1234) ? And secondly..., is this normal that my install went 'through' without the crons and the -vici files??
Thanks 'yall!