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actiondave wrote:I guess my question is - Will the hopper take longer and longer to populate as the dnc list grows larger and larger (I guess that is an obvious - YES) but will it be minutes or greater?
When you tell a client "We have removed you from our calling list" you are required to NOT call them again. This includes when you add new numbers from another purchased list (or generating one in Excel). If you do not add your DNC numbers to the DNC list for the dialer, you will have lied to that client as their number could very well be dialed again if they end up in another list. Worse yet, if someone in your organization (you know who they are, the "Sell! Sell! I don't care just Sell! Dammit!" guys) does something ... interesting ... you could even end up calling those that have a Status of "DNC". But NOT if the campaigns are set to adhere to the DNC list. They will get removed even if they do somehow manage to get added (one of my oldest and most favorite clients accidentally added DNC to the dialable leads! it brought his dialer down when all that was loading was DNC, and they the dialer refused to dial them!).actiondave wrote:I probably am over-thinking this. But if it is marked as a DNC in the vicidial_list table, why is there a need to add to the vicidial_dnc list? I'm assuming It won't be dialed again from the vicidial_list if it is marked as DNC - And is that only because it is added to the vicidial_dnc table?
In which case you keep them in Campaign DNC lists instead of the Company DNC list. Same result but segregated for campaigns. Don't use both on any campaigns unless you know what you're doing!actiondave wrote:I may have the same number associated with 2 different companies and only want a number removed for say - Company "A" but not Company "B" (with a live agent disposition - NOT safe harbor)
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