Block specific NXX in DNC list

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Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby globalmarksol » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:56 pm

Hello All!

So we received a big bill from our VoIP company for dialing out 411 numbers from data we've entered into the system. The 411 numbers have a NXX of 555 in them. There are currently still numbers in our system that are being dialed out since we have hundreds of thousands of numbers in our system it is difficult for me to isolate on each individual number (also I don't know if there would be a script that I could write to remove these numbers from a list I have).

Is there a way to add a NXX (for example just NPX555XXXX) into the DNC list so the system blocks out the number before even dialing a call?

Has anybody here faced a similar situation with their VoIP company? I'm also interested in hearing about other VoIP companies you guys may recommend because I believe we're not getting such a good deal.

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby gardo » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:43 pm

Try our VoIP service at And if you're using GOautodial CE you automatically get discounted rates for outbound calls to the US.

What kind of deal are you getting (that's not so good)?

Has anybody here faced a similar situation with their VoIP company? I'm also interested in hearing about other VoIP companies you guys may recommend because I believe we're not getting such a good deal.
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Re: Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby williamconley » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:06 pm

Sorry to interrupt the sales pitch Gardo, LOL ...

We only recommend Carriers to Clients, so I'll stick to technical discussions. :)

You can add a dialplan entry to BLOCK any pattern.

For instance, if your normal dialplan is:
Code: Select all

You would modify it to:
Code: Select all

Notes: In older Asterisk, the "more precise" entries would always take precedence. In 1.8 (and beyond?) the FIRST match could win. So always put these "override" entries ABOVE the actual carrier dialplan to be sure they intercept.
You could also insert a set pri cause line before the hangup if you wanted to be a little more detailed. Look in extensions.conf for "Set(PRI_CAUSE" for a few possible examples. Try a few and see how they appear in the list after you set the cause to any one of the various values and see which one is appropriate for your ability to "identify and eradicate" if that's what you want to do.

OK, Back to you Gardo! 8-) LOL
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Re: Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby mflorell » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:20 pm

From the default extensions.conf included with Vicidial:(commented out)

; block calls to 555 numbers
; exten => _91NXX555NXXX,1,AGI(agi://
; exten => _91NXX555NXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/8889990011112,,to)
; exten => _91NXX555NXXX,n,Hangup()
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Re: Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby globalmarksol » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:04 pm

First off, mflorell I want to personally thank you and your team for all of the time and effort you've guys have put into this project and I am floored on how much support you guys offer for this open sourced product, you guys are truly truly a blessing for us small business guys and then some.

I actually found the dialplan before in the forum before and implemented it however I did not place it above the carrier dialplan. Thank you for that insight, I have adjusted it and will let you know the results. On the second message, should I also do that in Asterisk on top of the dialplan?

Gardo, we're getting less than a cent a minute through the company we are working through, however the charge starts as soon as the phone starts ringing with no forgiveness on shortcalls plus $0.50 for each 411 call the bill racks up rather quickly.

Again thank you for your time guys!
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Re: Block specific NXX in DNC list

Postby williamconley » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:52 pm

globalmarksol wrote:should I also do that in Asterisk on top of the dialplan?

To be certain to kill it in all circumstances in asterisk 1.8 ... this would need to appear in EACH dialplan entry for each Carrier dialplan pattern. if you only have one carrier, then one is fine. but if you have multiple carriers, you'd need one for each carrier

If you have multiple dial patterns per carrier, you'd need one for each pattern
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