Ingroup Abandoned Calls after drop to message

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Ingroup Abandoned Calls after drop to message

Postby anil8312 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:33 am


i have 2 in-groups configured, the first take the calls and then when reaches drop seconds it will then drop the call into another in-group which would then send the call to another phone/number (message set as drop option) after reaching the drop seconds.

but after going to the other phone number when pulling the inbound daily report all the calls shows as abandoned for the 2nd ingroup (i know i could have send the drops striaght from the first ingroup but the reason being i wanted to have a count of how many calls being rolled over to the number)

so my question is after a call is dropped to message will it show as abandoned or answered?

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Re: Ingroup Abandoned Calls after drop to message

Postby williamconley » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:23 am

Test it. Call in. Listen, stay on the line.

But before you do, be sure you test ALL possibilities. Takes several calls:

1) Hang up before drop seconds in the first Queue.
2) Hang up before drop seconds in the second Queue.
3) Hang up during the message after the second Queue (and perhaps just before the message starts ...?)
4) Hang up just at the end of the message.
5) Hang up well beyond the end of the message.
6) Don't hang up at all, wait for Vicidial to Disconnnect.

Then consider putting that "disconnect" message as the Welcome Message for a 3rd ingroup that hangs up immediately after the message and see if that gives you even more detail. 8-)

And post your results here for the next guy, in detail. I bet you make some friends! 8-)
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