Silent calls question

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Silent calls question

Postby Luk3 » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:03 am

Our dialler is randomly making silent calls - i.e. agents cannot hear clients when they answer or they get cut off half way through a call. We have checked everything on the network and it all seems fine - i can run a constant ping to the dialler box from my PC and other servers on the network experience no issues. can anyone advise me as to what may cause silent calls to happen on a random basis. Please excuse the noobie question but any education to a noobie is much appreciated.
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Re: Silent calls question

Postby geoff3dmg » Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:38 am

It may be a carrier issue. Have you tried an alternate?
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Re: Silent calls question

Postby Rudolfmdlt » Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:23 am

Hi LUK3,

Please post your cluster configuration, your installation method and SVN version.

What are you using to get the audio? Analogue? PRI? SIP?

I'm guessing SIP, so how are you connecting to your ITSP - do they have equipment on site or are you going over open internet? In either case, is there a router or firewall between your dialler and the ITSP?

Random audio issues may be caused by router firewall issues.

If you run wire shark trace you can try and see whether the RTP stream dies on the dallier and in which direction.


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Re: Silent calls question

Postby Noah » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:28 pm

We found that this is typically a carrier issue.

In asterisk you can use sip set debug ip (ip = the ip your carrier is located at)
If you are using an ssh tool like putty tray make sure to allow for a lot of lines of buffer to hopefully capture the issue.

Also after you have set the sip debug command you can use a little rasterisk trick...
rasterisk | grep -i 'sip' and you should be able to capture the sip messaging that comes across without having to look at every other line of data rolling across the screen.
Control c to stop the grep.

I would recommend shutting of the debug sip set debug off, when you are done.

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