Vicidial and Vtiger

All installation and configuration problems and questions

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Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby Bulacan PH » Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:07 pm

VERSION: 2.8-422a
BUILD: 140117-0840
Cluster server
(Database / Web)
(Asterisk / Archive)
Vtiger 510

Hello All,

Im using Vicidial for nearly 3 years and my current company has a CRM requirement. So I installed Vtiger however it is not running smoothly. There are lots of errors like blank page when saving the lead , error in sharing access also getting blank page. I would like to seek for a help basically to fix the error and to configure the lead flow.

For the flow configuration, when a closer agent received a transfer call they'll then click the webform to push the lead into Vtiger and assign it to CSR Group with lead status " Signed Contract". CSR will then assign the lead to Billing Group and change the lead status . Billing Group will then assing the lead to Account Managers.
If the lead status is changed to "Cancelled" a task should notify the Account Manager.
If the lead status is changed to "Billing Issue" a new task should notify the closer that closed the account (which may mean the billing person would need to reassign the lead back to the closer)

Bulacan PH
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:12 pm

Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:23 pm

Vicidial questions on this forum ... vTiger questions on the vTiger forum ... that'd be my advice.

That being said, I don't actually wander on the vTiger forums (Vicidial keeps us pretty busy ...) but we do handle vTiger at the office.

You may wish to consider installing an newer version of vTiger (or two) and/or SugarCRM. They each have their good/bad points and vTiger especially has different things broken and working in different releases.

I will say, however, that the version of vTiger you are using is VERY freakin' old and has some serious drawbacks. Google the Vicidial site for them (there was a lot of discussion on that topic a couple years ago ...). A more recent version will inevitably have different things broken (vTiger releases always seem to have at least one serious flaw, LOL), but will ultimately work much better than the version you are using now.

Newer versions of vTiger and SugarCRM are no longer integrated as well, but integration of a newer version could result in a much more robust and well-oiled machine upon completion.
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Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby mav2287 » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:37 pm

I used this thread and it worked pretty darn well I can tell you though that 6 is a work in progress and I don't believe works with VICIdial.
ViciBox5.x86_64-5.0.3.preload from .iso upgraded to 13.1 | VERSION: 2.10-444c BUILD: 150129-0828 | | Dual Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel twin quad core 3Ghz Xeon chips | 32gb of RAM
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Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby williamconley » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:28 am

nothing after 5.1 works with vicidial unless you integrate it yourself (or pay someone like us ...).
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Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby Bulacan PH » Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:01 am

Hi William,

We really need this one working, how much will cost us to fix the all the problems?
Bulacan PH
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Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:27 pm

If you were to completely list "all the problems" and/or specify what integration you need, I could be of more assistance.

It can be as simple as "each time we have a sale, push the lead in Vicidial to vTiger (or sugarCRM) as an Account" or it can be as complex as "each time we talk to someone for more than 30 seconds, create a lead in vTiger with an opportunity ... if the call goes over 60 seconds, change the opportunity likelihood of close to 50% and if the agent dispositions as 'good', create a follow up call for one week later for the manager ..." and it can get deeper and deeper, requiring things like syncing of users and passwords, showing call stats in screens in vTiger or showing sales stats from vTiger in the Vicidial agent screen. Popups, lead searching between the two apps. All sorts of things are possible.

So ... "each time we have a sale, push the lead in Vicidial to vTiger (or sugarCRM) as an Account (or a lead, either one)" is generally $100. IF your vTiger and Vicidial are fully functional beforehand.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Vicidial and Vtiger

Postby Bulacan PH » Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:56 pm

Hi William,

My Boss wants more extensive CRM function. I would like to ask if how much it will cost if you do these works?

Vtiger installation and intergration to Vicidial (Vicidial Functional) closer to push lead from vici to vtiger
Outgoing Mail Server
Workflow setup (automatically assign a lead to a specific user or group depending on lead status)
Lead security by Group ( Leads of closer group 1 will no be accessible (view,edit,delete) by closer group 2)
Lead designation closer group and user can only assign leads to csr group or user, csr and account manager group and user can assign Leads to anyone,

your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.
Bulacan PH
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:12 pm

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