Outbound Survey: Voice Recognition, Without DTMF

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Outbound Survey: Voice Recognition, Without DTMF

Postby dailafing » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:27 pm

I'd like to be able to create an outbound survey that doesn't require DTMF response.

People hate cold callers, and hate electronic surveys even more.

So I'd like to create a survey where a pre recorded voice can ask if the customer would like to take part.

So the system is listening for positive responses such as:
"Yes ok", "ok", "yeah sure", "quick then".... Connecting them to an agent

Also needs to be listening for:
"Can we do this another time?" Type responses.

And obviously,
"Take my number off your system!!!!" Or "DIE! Mo*#%Fu£&er!!! DIE!!!" <--- I had one like this recently!

So how would I create something like this?

I'm not very familiar with Linux, and my programming experience comes from VB.NET. But I should imagine this would involve an interpretive system similar to iPhone's Siri.

I'm thinking this sounds more complex than it really is?

I'd like to open a discussion of different ideas,

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Re: Outbound Survey: Voice Recognition, Without DTMF

Postby williamconley » Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:44 pm

Speech to Text is not as available as it could be at the moment. You're asking for for voice recognition, and the last time we did a search for this we did not find one suitable for real-world use.

For instance: Sphinx (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/) when we last checked was not capable. But we have not been paid to check in a couple years. Could be ready now ... and could CERTAINLY be integrated if it works (same with any other speech recognition system).

If you're only looking for that first response (yes or no in its various forms ...) that could be viable. But then again, you could have an agent catch that and either push the yes or no button all day long ... :)
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