How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handle?

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How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handle?

Postby sarxiejr » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:55 pm

I really need a good explanation about this because I wonder why we always getting congestion during a calls.

and also Is it really the max channels in VOIP matters on how many bandwidth that we had?
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Re: How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handl

Postby deficit » Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:19 pm

Depends on what codec and other web uses but here is simple math.. Not sure where i found this originally but here is the explanation,,

For each agent VICIdial requires 87 kilobits for the phone connection and 3 kilobits for the web connection for a total of 90 kilobits. To calculate how much bandwidth you need at your location, simply multiply the number of agents by 90 kilobits (Example: 20 agents x 90 kilobits gives you 1800 kilobits). To calculate how many megabits that is, simply divide the sum by 1024 (Example 1800 kilobits divided by 1024 is 1.757 megabits).

If your doing predictive dialing you should move your server to a datacenter or rent a hosted server that way you only need bandwidth in your location for live calls. You may be calling 100 channels on the server but its only going to pass the live calls to your agents on the 2.5mbps connection..
Last edited by deficit on Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handl

Postby sarxiejr » Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:31 pm

ok Sir thanks for the info..i really appreciate ur reply
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Re: How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handl

Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:20 pm

I generally recommend 100k instead of 90k as there is always waste.

Also: If agents are local to the vicidial server, their internet does not go through the office bandwidth and neither do their phone calls. They contact the server on the local network. So the only network traffic you should be considering at 100k is agents who are not in the same LAN as the server. Then you'll want to consider 100k per live phone call or ringing phone call (which is actually overkill, but helps make up for the waste and is a safer method of calculation).

So if the agents are in the same location as the server, you'll want to calculate calls to prospects. If the agents are NOT in the same location, you'll need to calculate calls to prospects AND calls to agents AND web to agents. Since the web to agents is minimal, if you just calc 100k per live call actually going over your internet connection (not the local ones) you're usually safe.
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Re: How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handl

Postby geoff3dmg » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:41 am

For a rough and simple estimate of max bandwidth usage to a carrier I've used this online calculator: ... ulator.php

But as William has said, there are other factors to consider too based on your setup.
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Re: How many live channels that a 2.5mbps dsl line can handl

Postby sarxiejr » Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:29 am

Thanks for the info guyz..
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