Vicidial Leads reset Issue

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Vicidial Leads reset Issue

Postby rajdeep123 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:45 am

VERSION: 2.0.4-119 BUILD: 71125-1751

when ever i put any new lead set after dialing all the leads its automatically divided into Two status NEW and OLD under STATUSES WITHIN THIS LIST:

but after leads dialed when I reset the leads the dialer only throw uncalled leads under New status but cant dialed uncalled leads under Old Status
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Re: Vicidial Leads reset Issue

Postby DomeDan » Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:41 am

Not really sure what you are talking about...

but maybe you need to add the status OLD to "Add A Dial Status to Call" under campaign settings.

I recommend you read the manual
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Re: Vicidial Leads reset Issue

Postby adam.greenhalgh1 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:34 am

I think ive experienced this issue before. However the way your explaining it is abit vague. But from what ive gathered your saying this.

Your loading leads into the dialer. Which go under the disposition as NEW. and there are in the "NOT CALLED" column on your campaign screen. When your agents dial the leads they go from not called to called?

But they are still set as NEW. How can this happen if a lead is new (then theoretically the lead hasnt been called so shouldnt be in the Called Column)

If ive grasped what you are on about correctly then all you need to do to prevent this from happening is Turn off the "SKIP_LEAD" feature in the Campaign Detail screen.

If im wrong then i apologize. But the initial post from yourself was not very clear.


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