How i configure calling in multiple list

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How i configure calling in multiple list

Postby vjonvicidial » Thu May 08, 2014 2:10 am

I have a campaign to auto dial.
The campaign has 3 list platinum customer, gold and silver. Platinum being high priority and then gold and then silver.
The no of customer is added dynamically to the list when they post an issue and our support calls them.

What i want to achieve is since all the three list is in same campaign, the calls should dial out in priority, first to all in Platinum list then, gold and then silver.
Again in platinum list the list should dial in order of the number being added (Last in First out) and also how can i change it to (First in First out).

I am using goautodial 2.0, with digium swithcvox as dialling system on HP Ml 150 pro server.
Goautodial 2.0 Vicidial VERSION: 2.4-308a BUILD: 110428-1108
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Re: How i configure calling in multiple list

Postby geoff3dmg » Thu May 08, 2014 3:52 am

If you import the lists in the correct order you can simply use DOWN as your list order in the campaign settings.. Alternatively there is a field in the lists called 'RANK'. If you flag your lists with ranks when you import you can use 'DOWN RANK' regardless of load order.
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Re: How i configure calling in multiple list

Postby juniorgoldreport » Fri May 23, 2014 12:50 am

The lists within the correct order you'll merely use DOWN as your list order within the campaign settings.. as an alternative there's a field within the lists known as 'RANK'. If you flag your lists with ranks after you import you'll use 'DOWN RANK' no matter load order.
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Re: How i configure calling in multiple list

Postby vjonvicidial » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:52 pm

Thank you for inputs, i would also want to maintain the order int the list.
I want to reply or call the number which was added last.
i.e. call Platinum list first and in order Last in First Out.
then gold LIFO
and then silver LIFO
Goautodial 2.0 Vicidial VERSION: 2.4-308a BUILD: 110428-1108
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