How to Integrate PBX to GoAutoDial

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How to Integrate PBX to GoAutoDial

Postby djvillas » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:45 pm

Im new to IP Telephony and want to do testing. Currently I have IPPBX bought from China and 2PSTN lines. Can I integrate this IPPBX to GoAutoDial? Please help.
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Re: How to Integrate PBX to GoAutoDial

Postby williamconley » Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:23 pm

1) Goautodial is not "software", it is an installer for Vicidial. VICIDIAL is the actual dialer software. has another .iso installer (which is recommended unless you have a special need for CentOS or pretty screens ... but the codebase is always a bit older on GoAutoDial, and not everything works as a result).

2) Vicidial should not be combined with a PBX because it IS a PBX. If you install Vicidial from the .iso image into a Virtual server, it will install the OpenSuSE linux OS and everything else necessary for the Vicidial dialer to run. It is capable of linking to PSTN lines as it runs asterisk which is THE open source PBX designed by Digium and works with Digium and Sangoma PSTN interfaces (along with T1 and PRI interface) but is USUALLY used for VOIP and does NOT require PSTN/T1/PRI hardware at all if you use VOIP trunking instead.

3) The BEST advice I can give you is to use the information (install PDF and .iso installer) from for installation, then use the FREE Vicidial Manager's Manual available at for Configuration. Do not skip any pages in the Manager's Manual. Start at page one and perform every exercise until your system runs the way you need it to. If you find something later in the book you want, you should not have stopped. Do Not Skip Anything.

4) If you bump into a problem, bring us the Manual Version, Page, and Line upon which you hit your problem and describe the problem in detail. Someone here will help you through it.

5) If you do not need an autodialer or a predictive autodialer, get FreePBX instead (there are several flavors of it such as PBX In A Flash and ...).
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