outbound call throught digium card

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outbound call throught digium card

Postby intrepid » Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:21 pm

Hello there,
I would simply configure outgoing calls via digium card.
I just want to allow the agent to pass simple calls.
Thank you for help in configuring it is urgent

Goautodial 2.0
VERSION: 2.6-392a svn
BUILD: 130102-1135
Vtiger version 5.1.0
Centos 6.3
digium card : TE122
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:03 pm

To get help on this topic, you should post what you have done so far to use the digium card. Or you could search the forum for prior users.

But: You are using a VERY old GoAutoDial installation (2.0 is .. way back) and it has apparently been upgraded (for vicidial code but not for Goautodial code). I would seriously suggest you either re-install with Vicibox 6 or Goautodial 3 with the card already installed. Often having the card installed (physically) before installing the dialer software and OS can load the proper software and drivers without much fuss. You'll likely still have to configure it ... but that's not as big of a battle as getting the software installed!

Or you could contact gardo directly for digium on his goautodial system, he's quite adept at it and probably can accomplish the task rather quickly without a reinstall being required. There are likely also instructions in Gardo's wiki for digium/sangoma card setup. Along with a few other sites (just remember that with other sites, you'll eventually still need to configure it to work with Vicidial. But getting it to dial out with asterisk from any instructions is a great step toward that goal!).

Or you could contact many others (such as us) and we could walk you through the process. But if you want Free ... you'll need to tell us what you've done so far so we can help you with the rest. Even if ALL you have done is "put the card in the box and restart". LOL

Start with the online instructions from digium (and even consider asking the vendor who sold you this card, they are often quite helpful in getting the card working with asterisk).

After the card works with asterisk, getting it working in Vicidial will become possible (and more people will be available to help you, as it gets easier). For instance: There are some "commented out" lines in Extensions.conf for T1 cards specific to this configuration.

As a starter, this will "wake up" a digium card on a fresh Vicibox installation if the card was physically present during the installation (and then configuration to dial through it can begin):

Demonstrate the card is not yet active (and attempt to configure it fails ... because it's not yet active AND unconfigured)
Code: Select all
asterisk -rx "dahdi show status"
dahdi_cfg -vvvv
dahdi_genconf -vvvv
dahdi_cfg -vvv
nano /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf

dahdi_cfg shows NO channels. Now let's wake up the card and then configure it again
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/dahdi status
/etc/init.d/dahdi restart
dahdi_cfg -vvv
/etc/init.d/dahdi status
dahdi_genconf -vvvv
dahdi_cfg -vvv

dahdi_cfg now shows 24 channels per span (based on the card's available spans). If this is still true after reboot, the card is ready to configure into Vicidial and to set to match the Carrier's configuration to actually make calls.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby intrepid » Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:40 pm

Thank you for your answer
the digium card is normally set I made ​​incoming calls via this card.
I just want to have the configuration to make outgoing calls.
i put this in dialplan entry but outbount call dont work
Code: Select all
and this in dialplan entry
exten => _3X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _3X.,2,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN:1},,Tto)
exten => _3X.,3,Hangup

as it is a bit urgently I go to the update after the test.
thank you
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby williamconley » Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:25 pm

intrepid wrote:Thank you for your answer
the digium card is normally set I made ​​incoming calls via this card.
I just want to have the configuration to make outgoing calls.
i put this in dialplan entry but outbount call dont work
Code: Select all
and this in dialplan entry
exten => _3X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _3X.,2,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN:1},,Tto)
exten => _3X.,3,Hangup

as it is a bit urgently I go to the update after the test.
thank you

1) Your "Account Entry" can be blank. No need for one at all.
2) Global String can also be blank, but I would recommend setting a variable to DAHDI/g0 or DAHDI/R1 or similar instead and then using that variable in the "Dial()" command instead (your choice, just my preference)
3) You did not post the outcome of this method. No CLI output = no way to know what happened.
4) Be sure you have actually defined "group 0" so calls can go through it. If you defined a "group 1" instead of "group 0" ... this will fail.

Happy Hunting! 8-)
and for the record: thanks for posting your entire basic configuration including your installer with version and vicidial version and even the model number of the digium card! ;)
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby intrepid » Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:49 am

thank you williamconley
Now after some modifications of files extension.conf I can make outgoing calls.
I would like to know how I can load leads for automated calls and how to configure it.
Thank you for your help
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby williamconley » Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:16 pm

The VICIDIAL MANAGER MANUAL is available (free and paid versions) here: http://www.vicidial.org/store.php

Start at the first page and do NOT skip anything. Seriously. Free software, free manual! Invest a bit of your time and you'll have the best autodialer on the planet. :) (I do recommend the paid version as soon as you get your first Paycheck from it!) 8-)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: outbound call throught digium card

Postby intrepid » Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:49 pm

ok thanks i'll see this
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