Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
Monitor("Local/58600053@default-000007e8;1", "wav,CAMPAIGN_20140712-130423_89516754_10357")
excellent troubleshooting. ie: are you sure it's not recording, or is it just that the recordings are not "visible" to you anywhere ... in which case where have you looked?GaD wrote:Does the asterisk even attempt to start recording? When you go into the asterisk console and set a verbose level over 5..., do you see something like this:
- Code: Select all
Monitor("Local/58600053@default-000007e8;1", "wav,CAMPAIGN_20140712-130423_89516754_10357")
GaD wrote:Does the asterisk even attempt to start recording? When you go into the asterisk console and set a verbose level over 5..., do you see something like this:
- Code: Select all
Monitor("Local/58600053@default-000007e8;1", "wav,CAMPAIGN_20140712-130423_89516754_10357")
striker wrote:can you check whether the recording dialplan exists in ur server
type the below command in asterisk cli.
dialplan show 8309@default
cc-ippbx*CLI> dialplan show 8309@default
[ Included context 'vicidial-auto-internal' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'8309' => 1. Answer() [pbx_config]
2. Monitor(wav,${CALLERID(name)}) [pbx_config]
3. Wait(3600) [pbx_config]
4. Hangup() [pbx_config]
boybawang wrote:do you have sox installed?
SELECT campaign_id,campaign_rec_exten,campaign_recording,campaign_rec_filename FROM vicidial_campaigns;
dialplan show 8309@default
dialplan show 8310@default
ls -la /var/spool/asterisk; ls -la /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/
MariaDB [asterisk]> SELECT campaign_id,campaign_rec_exten,campaign_recording,campaign_rec_filename FROM vicidial_campaigns;
| campaign_id | campaign_rec_exten | campaign_recording | campaign_rec_filename |
cc-ippbx:~ # asterisk -rx "dialplan show 8309@default"
[ Included context 'vicidial-auto-internal' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'8309' => 1. Answer() [pbx_config]
2. Monitor(wav,${CALLERID(name)}) [pbx_config]
3. Wait(3600) [pbx_config]
4. Hangup() [pbx_config]
-= 1 extension (4 priorities) in 1 context. =-
cc-ippbx:~ # asterisk -rx "dialplan show 8310@default"
[ Included context 'vicidial-auto-internal' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'8310' => 1. Answer() [pbx_config]
2. Monitor(gsm,${CALLERID(name)}) [pbx_config]
3. Wait(3600) [pbx_config]
4. Hangup() [pbx_config]
-= 1 extension (4 priorities) in 1 context. =-
cc-ippbx:~ # ls -la /var/spool/asterisk; ls -la /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/
total 40
drwxr-x--- 10 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jul 8 01:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Jun 19 08:55 ..
drwxr-x--- 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 25 14:18 dictate
drwxr-x--- 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 25 14:18 meetme
drwxr-x--- 3 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jul 20 11:24 monitor
drwxr-xr-x 9 wwwrun root 4096 Jul 21 11:46 monitorDONE
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:45 outgoing
drwxr-x--- 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 25 14:18 system
drwxr-x--- 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 25 14:18 tmp
drwxr-x--- 3 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 25 14:18 voicemail
total 164
drwxr-xr-x 9 wwwrun root 4096 Jul 21 11:46 .
drwxr-x--- 10 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jul 8 01:45 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 FTP
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 FTP2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 GSM
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 GSW
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 53248 Jul 21 11:46 MP3
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 OGG
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 77824 Jul 21 11:46 ORIG
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 FTP
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 FTP2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 GSM
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 GSW
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 53248 Jul 21 11:46 MP3
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 01:31 OGG
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 77824 Jul 21 11:46 ORIG
chown -R asterisk /var/spool/asterisk/
ls /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE/ORIG
s1*CLI> dialplan show 1111@default
[ Included context 'vicidial-auto-phones' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'1111' => 1. Dial(SIP/1111,60,) [pbx_config]
2. Goto(default,850266666666661111,1) [pbx_config]
3. Hangup() [pbx_config]
[root@s1 log]# ls -las -d asterisk/
4 drwxr-xr-x 5 asterisk asterisk 4096 Feb 22 22:39 asterisk/
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-DID_route.agi)
exten => _X.,n,Hangup()
exten => h,1,AGI(agi://${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})
#include extensions-vicidial.conf
include => vicidial-auto
exten => h,1,AGI(agi://${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})
exten => _999XXXXXX1,1,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX1,n,Wait(2)
exten => _999XXXXXX1,n,Playback(vicidial-welcome)
exten => _999XXXXXX1,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XX11112,1,Wait(2)
exten => _999XX11112,n,Answer()
exten => _999XX11112,n,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => _999XX11112,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => _999XX11112,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XX18112,1,Wait(2)
exten => _999XX18112,n,Answer()
exten => _999XX18112,n,Playback(vtiger-fax)
exten => _999XX18112,n,Playback(vtiger-fax)
exten => _999XX18112,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XX19112,1,Wait(2)
exten => _999XX19112,n,Answer()
exten => _999XX19112,n,Playback(vtiger-email)
exten => _999XX19112,n,Playback(vtiger-email)
exten => _999XX19112,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXX112,1,Wait(5)
exten => _999XXXX112,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXX112,n,Playback(demo-instruct)
exten => _999XXXX112,n,Playback(demo-instruct)
exten => _999XXXX112,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX2,1,Wait(8)
exten => _999XXXXXX2,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX2,n,Playback(demo-instruct)
exten => _999XXXXXX2,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX3,1,Set(PRI_CAUSE=1)
exten => _999XXXXXX3,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX4,1,Set(PRI_CAUSE=27)
exten => _999XXXXXX4,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX5,1,Ringing
exten => _999XXXXXX5,n,Wait(120)
exten => _999XXXXXX5,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX6,1,Wait(10)
exten => _999XXXXXX6,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX6,n,Playback(demo-instruct)
exten => _999XXXXXX6,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX7,1,Wait(12)
exten => _999XXXXXX7,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX7,n,Playback(demo-enterkeywords)
exten => _999XXXXXX7,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX8,1,Set(PRI_CAUSE=17)
exten => _999XXXXXX8,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX9,1,Wait(6)
exten => _999XXXXXX9,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX9,n,Playback(demo-abouttotry)
exten => _999XXXXXX9,n,Hangup()
exten => _999XXXXXX0,1,Wait(5)
exten => _999XXXXXX0,n,Answer()
exten => _999XXXXXX0,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => _999XXXXXX0,n,Hangup()
exten => h,1,AGI(agi://${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})
exten => s,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=10)
exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)
exten => s,n,Set(MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT=monitor_exit)
exten => s,n,Background(vm-extension)
exten => s,n,WaitExten(10)
exten => s,n,Hangup()
exten => i,1,Goto(monitor_exit,s,1)
exten => i,n,Hangup()
exten => #,1,Goto(monitor_exit,s,1)
exten => #,n,Hangup()
exten => t,1,Goto(monitor_exit,s,1)
exten => t,n,Hangup()
exten => _8[0-2]XX,1,Meetme(8600${EXTEN:1},mqX)
exten => _8[0-2]XX,n,Hangup()
exten => _99[0-2]XX,1,Meetme(8600${EXTEN:2},X)
exten => _99[0-2]XX,n,Hangup()
exten => h,1,AGI(agi://${HANGUPCAUSE}-----${DIALSTATUS}-----${DIALEDTIME}-----${ANSWEREDTIME})
exten => _X,1,Goto(monitor,s,1)
exten => _X,n,Hangup()
exten => i,1,Goto(monitor,s,1)
exten => i,n,Hangup()
exten => #,1,Goto(monitor,s,1)
exten => #,n,Hangup()
exten => t,1,Goto(monitor,s,1)
exten => t,n,Hangup()
trustrpid = no
sendrpid = yes
dtmfmode = rfc2833
notifyringing = yes
notifyhold = yes
limitonpeers = yes
jbenable = yes
jbforce = no
jbmaxsize = 100
jbresyncthreshold = 1000
jbimpl = fixed
jblog = no
limitonpeer = yes
#include sip-vicidial.conf
tom wrote:Anyone can help me with this please?
williamconley wrote:tom wrote:Anyone can help me with this please?
The previous request was from someone who installed with a standard Vicibox .iso installer. You apparently did not install with this method.
You also did not show your CLI output from a single event or even state the type of call (inbound? outbound? DID?) that is being recorded.
I would start by explaining why you did not use the Vicibox installer (often quite useful to get an understanding of your situation) and next describe the call path and show CLI from a single occurrence ... and what was missing or wrong about that call path (such as "the 'record' never happened and I don't understand why").
-- Executing [99918004563355@default:1] AGI("SIP/1111-00000039", "agi://") in new stack
AGI Tx >> agi_network: yes
AGI Tx >> agi_network_script: call_log
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_request: agi://
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_channel: SIP/1111-00000039
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_language: en
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_type: SIP
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_uniqueid: 1456263273.57
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_version:
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callerid: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_calleridname: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingpres: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingani2: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callington: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingtns: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_dnid: 99918004563355
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_rdnis: unknown
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_context: default
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_extension: 99918004563355
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_priority: 1
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_enhanced: 0.0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_accountcode: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_threadid: 139959067891456
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >>
-- <SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> HANGUP
-- Executing [99918004563355@default:2] Dial("SIP/1111-00000039", "SIP/570818004563355@APN,60,tToR") in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/570818004563355@APN
-- SIP/APN-0000003a is making progress passing it to SIP/1111-00000039
-- SIP/APN-0000003a is ringing
-- SIP/APN-0000003a answered SIP/1111-00000039
-- Executing [h@default:1] AGI("SIP/1111-00000039", "agi://") in new stack
AGI Tx >> agi_network: yes
AGI Tx >> agi_network_script: call_log--HVcauses--PRI-----NODEBUG-----16-----ANSWER-----19-----15
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_request: agi://
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_channel: SIP/1111-00000039
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_language: en
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_type: SIP
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_uniqueid: 1456263273.57
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_version:
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callerid: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_calleridname: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingpres: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingani2: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callington: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_callingtns: 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_dnid: 99918004563355
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_rdnis: unknown
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_context: default
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_extension: h
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_priority: 1
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_enhanced: 0.0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_accountcode: 1111
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> agi_threadid: 139959067891456
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >>
-- <SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
<SIP/1111-00000039>AGI Tx >> HANGUP
== Spawn extension (default, 99918004563355, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1111-00000039'
williamconley wrote:Gleaned:
You have several installations ... this call is outbound.
1) You did not state which intallation (Vicibox 6.0.4? Vicibox 7.0.0? Scratch install from Solomon?) this output was from.
2) You have agi debugging on. No need for this as there is no agi script in this example that would be expected to activate recording that would make agi debugging useful.
3) You have not described the call path of this call and how you expect it to be recorded. (IE: This call was from a campaign with recording set to ...XXXX?)
4) What settings have you modified to cause this particular call to be recorded?
5) What generated this call?
3. I created a sample campaign 12345678 and had set the required recording settings to ALLCALLS. and has created an xlite extension of 1111. I wanted it to record all calls made by 1111 using campaign i provided earlier. Surely I am missing something here which I cannot find due to lack of knowledge about setting this up.
The call was generated from xlite dialling a US number.
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