Call Recording Location

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Call Recording Location

Postby vijaymuddu » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:00 am


I want to change the default of location of call recording files in goautodial 2.1
i want in some other location like /var/ww/html/calls

Also i need to convert the in & out files to some format like this i.e 20140803-210056_8882943805_campaign_name_agent_name.wav

please can any body help me on this topic
server config: i3,4gb, Centos 6.9 64bit | Version: 2.14b0.5 | Schema: 1528 | revision 2928| Asterisk 1.8.0 | E1-card
Vijay Muddu
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Re: Call Recording Location

Postby williamconley » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:19 am

1) Welcome to the Party! 8-)

2) As you are obviously new here, I have some suggestions to help us all help you:

When you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build.

This IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "from scratch" you must post your operating system and should also post the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system. If your installation is "Hosted" list the site name of the host.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

3) To avoid serious modifications to your system, it would be simpler to activate the Archiving system in Vicidial that pushes all audio recordings to an FTP server. This functional also creates a folder for each day (instead of 50,000 audio files in one folder). This is actually the way vicidial is expected to run. Check your "crontab -e" recording scripts. Each of those scripts can be executed with "--help" and they will give you the options. There are also a great many posts on the topic and of course the manual. And don't forget to look in the /docs/ folder.

4) In Campaigns and Ingroups there is a field you can use to set the Recording Filename. If not sure, click on the ( ? ) next to the field and it will help you out.

5) Do note that the software in use here is "Vicidial" not "Goautodial". Goautodial is just an installer for Vicidial. Another installer (recommended by The Vicidial Group and us here at PoundTeam if that makes a difference to you) is In fact a new version of the installer has recently been published. Note that any version of Vicibox at least back to 3.0 will install the latest version of Vicidial. The difference in the installers is the OS version and support software (asterisk may be 1.4 or 1.8 and various other packages evolve all the way to Vicibox 6.0). But all will install the latest Vicidial version and it will run with any of the background software/OS.

Happy Hunting.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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