We have been having delay issues with the API.... typically anywhere between 1-5 seconds. We use AJAX to post the API calls. Any advice on how to eliminate this delay would be GREATLY appreciated.
On top of that... today one of the calls just stopped working. It was working fine... then started failing every once in a while.. then only worked once in a while.. now it appears to not be working at all.
The call that is failing is the LEAVE_3WAY_CALL under the transfer_conference function.
We use this same function to DIAL_WITH_CUSTOMER to warm-transfer the call to a closer. The next step is to LEAVE_3WAY_CALL:
The result:
SUCCESS: transfer_conference function set - LEAVE_3WAY_CALL|||NO|6666|V8242323130001178676|
And yet, agent is still on the call.
Any ideas?