dialers are connected by iax2 - how to change default port?

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dialers are connected by iax2 - how to change default port?

Postby ZibiX » Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:51 am


I have started this question in this post -> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33411 but i think it should be in another topic (I have found the answer for major question on that topic).

I have 1 db, 1 web, 4 dialers.

Dialers are connected to each other by IAX2 connection (for load balancing? - I dont know that) - you can see this when you type:
Code: Select all
asterisk -rx "iax2 show peers"

Code: Select all
asterisk -rx "iax2 show registry"

The all are using the same standard port for IAX - 4569

The thing is that i need to change standard IAX port on every dialer to something else (different port on every dialler). I have made my change in /etc/asterisk/iax.conf and then rebooted the dialers.

Now when i check:
Code: Select all
asterisk -rx "iax2 show peers"

Code: Select all
asterisk -rx "iax2 show registry"

the dialers are not connected and unregistered (because they want to use standard 4569 port and they don't know the new port). I know that the information about this connection is in the file /etc/asterisk/vicidial-iax.conf But this file is auto generated so i need to change this port "somewhere higher" :) Where?
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