by ilovevici » Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:41 pm
My main server broke. I took the hard drive out of the broken server and put it in a spare server (exact same model #, same specs, same everything).
I ran the IP update script, rebooted, then went into the Admin area to change the IP in the System Settings and Servers pages to the new ip. I then tried to login to a campaign as an agent, and it said no leads in hopper.
I've checked filter settings, and made sure 24 hour access is permitted, there are dialable leads, but for some reason whenever I reset the hopper, it doesn't load the leads into the hopper (the config was working when the HD was in the broken server, so the settings didn't change so it should work for this identical server).
I've ran the "/usr/share/astguiclient/ --debug", and this is what I get - was hoping someone had encountered this and/or might know what to suggest:
----- DEBUG -----
TIME DEBUG: -5.00|-4|1| GMT: 01:33
SELECT list_id FROM vicidial_lists where ( (active='N') or ( (active='Y') and (expiration_date < "2014-10-07") ) );Inactive Lists: 0
CALLBACK HOLD: 0|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_callbacks where callback_time <= '2014-10-07 21:33:49' and status='ACTIVE';|
hopper DNC count: 0
---------------Auto Trim Hopper Enabled For 9000---------------------
Leads in Hopper for this Campaign = 0
Hopper Level for this Campaign = 20
---------------Auto Trim Hopper Enabled For 9002---------------------
Leads in Hopper for this Campaign = 0
Hopper Level for this Campaign = 20
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Incorrect file format 'vicidial_live_agents' at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 963.
executing: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vicidial_live_agents WHERE campaign_id='9003' and status IN ('READY','QUEUE','INCALL','CLOSER') and last_update_time >= '1969-12-31 16:33:34' Incorrect file format 'vicidial_live_agents' at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 963.
You have new mail in /var/mail/root
ViciBox 2.8-408a
Build 130711-2208
Asterisk 1.8
Single Server (64 bit)
No digium