Adding new dialer server to existing cluster. Version #?

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Adding new dialer server to existing cluster. Version #?

Postby AkkerKid » Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:24 am

I'm going to add new dialing machines to an existing cluster that has one database and two dialer/web servers on it already. The system I'm integrating into cannot be brought down during business hours. I have a new ISO that I'm installing vicibox from but during installation I get skiddish after putting in the database credentials and it says "Database entry does not match settings supplies! Enabling legacy mode! Please verify all data before continuing!" The version I'm trying to install is the newest and the version currently running is Opensuse 12.3 and asterisk 1.4.44 VERSION: 2.8-410a BUILD: 130824-2319 Is the new vicibox iso going to work with the existing versions? There is also some custom php being used for outbound CID selection and some scripts that upload recordings to "the cloud"

Should I go forward with this new version or not? And if not, how can I install similar versions on new hardware?
DB: Dual E5-2697 12-core @ 2.7GHz, 128GB DDR3, RAID1 240GB SSD, 45GB SWAP is never used.
Dialers: 15X Single CPU E3-1231 @ 3.4GHz, 16GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, 2GB SWAP, Amfeltec PCI-e timing card
Vicibox 8.1 Build 3032
250-280 agent upper limit before meltdown
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Re: Adding new dialer server to existing cluster. Version #

Postby geoff3dmg » Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:19 am

If you have an older dialling cluster you need to do a SVN upgrade to at least the version installed by the new ViciBox ISO. As long as you do this it will work correctly. I have a Vicibox v5 database, 3x v5 telephone and 1x v6 telephone servers all working together quite happily.
Vicibox 5.03 from .iso | VERSION: 2.10-451a BUILD: 140902-0816 | Asterisk | Multi-Server | Amfeltec H/W Timing Cards | No Extra Software After Installation | Dell PowerEdge 1850 | Pentium 4 'Prescott' Xenon Quad @ 3.40GHz
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