CRONTAB permission random

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CRONTAB permission random

Postby Polareious » Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:40 am

Good day everyone, I woke up to multiple calls this morning from a few clients all telling me sob stories of being unable to dial... upon going through their servers I have noticed that I can no longer access crontab on -any- of these machines.. its almost like the suse gods have smitted me today! LoL ... none the less, I've looked this up over and over again and have been trying but to no avail. I've had access to each one of these servers crontabs before, why all of the sudden now? All servers are running suse 12.1/12.3 and vici5, svn version vary on each yet the problem is the same. SVN 2063,2090,2076... even when I click the + sign on the reports page it shows no times from any other server... these servers have been operational for months and months so why all the sudden? Am I being attacked you think? I will be going through more server logs to check after I send this and post anything I find suspicious but HELP! I have no idea whats going on :(
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Re: CRONTAB permission random

Postby DomeDan » Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:11 am

sounds like someones been in your system and messed around.
is the crontab blank when editing it like this "crontab -e"
how about /etc/crontab ?
content in /var/spool/cron/tabs/ ?
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