vendor_lead_code DUPLICATE CHECK

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vendor_lead_code DUPLICATE CHECK

Postby b0l3k » Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:00 am

i have faced with one problem i cant solve. I spent hours trying to work it out, and now i need to ask you for help.
I have few campaings running in vicidial in my call center. One of them has got MULTI_ALT dialing enabled and problem is dialer is not loading leads into hopper.

I've checked everything including: hopper level, set lead_filter to none, checked GMT, set status to 'NEW' and called_since_last_reset to 'N', set call_count_limit to 0, add 'NEW' as a dialing status, etc
Nothing worked until i realised that when changed 'Hopper VLC Dup Check' to 'N', vicidial_hopper filled in with all my 'NEW' leads.

I looked into and it seems to be checking for the same vendor_lead_code around the same campaign and live calls table.

I admit that my other campaign's lists have leads with the same vendor_lead_code and they might have been loaded into hopper that time. But still its totally different campaign, dialer shouldn't even take them into account.
I did some tests replicating the problem, and once i removed leads with the same vlc from hopper (even if different campaign_id and list) my leads were added.

Is it a bug, is there a way to deal with it somehow?
Best regards.

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Re: vendor_lead_code DUPLICATE CHECK

Postby b0l3k » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:44 am

Forgot to add that i use vendor_lead_code as our customer_id and i really want to live it untouched.
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Re: vendor_lead_code DUPLICATE CHECK

Postby mflorell » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:32 am

During dialing hours, run the hopper script manually with --debugX flag and only for that one affected campaign. The debug output will give you information on the queries that are being run and how many leads are being counted as dialable.
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